本文选题:农超对接 + 蔬菜 ; 参考:《新疆农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, the quality and safety of agricultural products has become a hot issue of social concern. On the one hand, people's quality of life is not guaranteed, on the other hand, it restricts the development and competitiveness of agricultural products. In order to solve this problem, the quality and safety of agricultural products must be solved. The quality and safety of agricultural products involves "from farmland to food". The whole circulation process of the table is difficult to control the quality control of the various circulation links of the agricultural product supply chain. At present, our country lacks a stable and complete supply chain of agricultural products. Therefore, it is particularly urgent and complex to study the quality and safety of agricultural products. In order to promote the direct docking of supermarkets and agricultural production bases, China's agriculture in 2008. The Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Commerce arranged and deployed the agricultural super docking pilot work to guide the supermarket to actively explore the new circulation mode of "supermarket + base". The article mainly investigates and analyzes the circulation mode, channel and quality safety of vegetable in Urumqi, and analyses the existing circulation mode of vegetables in Urumqi. Under the condition of the quality control of vegetable farmers in Urumqi agricultural super docking, 3 typical farmers' professional cooperatives and supermarkets have been investigated to obtain the fruit of the quality and safety control of the vegetables in the agricultural super docking, that is, the implementation of the agricultural super docking can preliminarily realize the quality of the quality control. According to the current situation, the main problems and reasons in the quality and safety control are obtained, including the lack of quality detection ability, low supervision level and imperfect traceability system. Secondly, in view of the existing problems, this paper analyzes the backward quality inspection equipment in Urumqi and the input products. The management is not good, the laws and regulations are not sound and so on, and then the pertinent opinions and suggestions are put forward to the problems raised earlier, the system of building the vegetable producing area and market access, improving the level of the inspection of the vegetable quality and safety, and the government's policy support for the farmers, cooperatives and supermarkets in the docking main body. The conclusion of the article is that Urumqi's agricultural super docking is still in its initial stage of development, so its research space is relatively large.
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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