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发布时间:2018-07-16 15:02
[Abstract]:Tobacco is the main raw material of tobacco industry, tobacco industry is the basic industry to ensure the sustainable development of tobacco industry. Driven by the double pressure of China's accession to the World Trade Organization and the World Health Organization, China's tobacco industry should enhance its overall competitive strength, catch up with the top three of the tobacco multinational companies, catch up with the leaders of tobacco machine manufacturing companies, and catch up with large groups of raw and auxiliary materials production. To catch up with the new trend of modern enterprise management in the world, we must speed up the development of tobacco industrialization. Tobacco industrialization is an important strategic choice to improve the quality and safety of tobacco in China and to realize the development goal of the 12th Five-Year Plan of China's tobacco industry. Based on the theory of agricultural industrialization, based on the research of tobacco planting and production at home and abroad, and the development mode and practice of tobacco industrialization, the conditions and models of tobacco industrialization development in Nanxiong City are discussed. The advantage and restriction factors were studied, and a series of safeguard system and concrete countermeasures were put forward to accelerate the industrialization development of the main tobacco production area in Nanxiong. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Nanxiong City of Guangdong Province is suitable for planting and producing high quality tobacco leaves according to its unique geographical location and suitable climate, water resources, soil, cultivated land and so on. Therefore, Nanxiong tobacco planting industry has the advantage of developing into dominant industry and can implement industrialization development strategy. (2) further research shows that the main factors that restrict the development of Nanxiong tobacco leaf industrialization are: the scale of planting is small; The foundation of sustainable planting is weak; the production infrastructure is not perfect; the mode of industrial production organization of tobacco leaves is not perfect; the management of production and planting, the management of agricultural technology service and the technical extension work need to be strengthened; the basic scientific research force is weak, The ability of science and technology innovation is insufficient. The paper puts forward the following improvement measures: first, improving the dry sloping land for suitable tobacco fields, creating large-scale planting conditions; second, perfecting the tobacco planting service system and improving the specialized production degree; third, improving the agricultural production infrastructure; fourth, improving the agricultural production infrastructure; Innovate and perfect the production organization form; fifth, improve the key production technology of high quality tobacco leaf; sixthly, construct the new tobacco raw material guarantee system; seventh, strengthen the construction of the leading team, attach importance to the organization and management.


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