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发布时间:2018-07-16 18:30
[Abstract]:This paper has carried on the comprehensive and systematic evaluation to the implementation effect of Xinjiang grassland ecological protection subsidy reward policy (referred to as the grassland supplementary award policy). The research results show that the Xinjiang grassland compensation award policy has been implemented for three years. Herdsmen's life style has changed obviously, grassland degradation has been initially contained, and herdsmen's income has increased. At the same time, there are some problems in the policy design itself and in the process of policy implementation which need to be further improved. The framework of this paper is as follows: the first chapter introduces the implementation background of grassland award policy and the research status of grassland ecological protection at home and abroad, the second chapter introduces the status of grassland resources in Xinjiang and the implementation of the main content of grassland award policy in Xinjiang. The third chapter uses the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method based on the pastoral perspective to evaluate the implementation effect of grassland award compensation policy in the sample area, and the fourth chapter evaluates the grassland award compensation policy from the perspective of pastoral cognition and satisfaction. The fifth chapter evaluates the ecological benefits, social benefits and economic benefits of the policy of grassland award compensation, and the sixth chapter analyzes and summarizes the problems existing in the top level design of the policy and the problems existing in the implementation of the policy. The seventh chapter summarizes the article and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the policy of grassland compensation award. In this study, the theory and method of policy evaluation were systematically introduced into the policy evaluation of Xinjiang grassland award compensation for the first time. By designing the evaluation index system of grassland compensation policy, it may fill the gap for the system and integrality of grassland ecological protection policy.


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