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发布时间:2018-07-21 19:23
[Abstract]:Solving the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is related to the security and stability of the country and the great rejuvenation of the nation. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China explicitly proposed to develop the cooperation of shares, in 2017, China continued to deepen the reform of the rural land system, implementing the ownership, contract right and management right of "three separate rights". This macro-system arrangement will also become another innovation of rural land system reform in China. Under the condition of voluntary cooperation and equality and mutual benefit among the members of rural collective organizations, the reform of the agricultural land share cooperative system has solved to a great extent the problems of agricultural land circulation and scale management, and has fully realized the effective allocation of land resources. Through the clarity of land property right system, land as an important factor of production has been greatly promoted to the marketization process, so that farmers' land rights and interests are maximized protection. This paper adopts the methods of institution construction and system contrast analysis, and analyzes the reform of agricultural land share cooperative system by the methods of normative research and case study, comparative analysis and literature study. The main contents and conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) define the membership and management mode of agricultural land stock cooperative system. After studying the scope, method and process of checking and accounting collective assets before the implementation of the agricultural land share cooperative system, it is clear that the problem of defining the members of general collective economic organizations cannot be "one-size-fits-all". We must give full consideration to the actual situation in various regions and problems left over from history. At the same time, marriage, entry, divorce, "agricultural conversion", school students and service, the members of the prison term to define the membership. It is clear that in the management mode of the members of collective economic organizations, the method of combining dynamic and dynamic is suitable for the present situation. (2) the stock right setting mode and quantifying mode of agricultural land share cooperative system are designed. By comparing the institutional characteristics of the self-managed agricultural land share cooperation and the internal and external lease stock cooperation, the paper discusses the stock right setup and quantification and equity management of the two kinds of stock cooperative system, and determines the scope of the stock circulation under the two modes. A reasonable way to withdraw shares is designed. (3) A new exploration of the income distribution mode of autonomous management, internal and external leasing stock cooperative system is put forward. The internal shares and external rents should be set up according to the guaranteed income, the share dividend, the risk aversion and the ladder incentive mechanism, so that the farmers can enjoy the basic income and share the value-added income at the same time. Through the establishment of incentive mechanism of income distribution, while developing collective economy, it also activates the intrinsic motive force of villagers' production and labor.


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