[Abstract]:Tianjin-Hebei region, as the underpinning of Beijing's dredging industry, needs to increase a large number of construction land. In order to promote the intensive use of land, this paper studies the regulation and control of industrial land in Tianjin and Hebei. This paper divides the types of development zones and enterprise land (Dingzhou Economic Development Zone) into equipment manufacturing industry, raw material industry, high and new technology industry and modern service industry. The weights are determined by AHP and entropy method. Finally, the evaluation model and potential calculation method are used to get the land use of development zones, land intensive evaluation score and potential value of enterprise land, and land use potential regulation is proposed. 38.09% of the development zones are in the intensive level, and 75% of the development zones reach the intensive level are in Tianjin from the spatial distribution point of view, so Hebei has a large potential tapping space. There are a large number of development zones. According to the type of leading industries, the potential of equipment manufacturing industry type development zones is 3050.67 hectares; the potential of raw materials industry type development zones is 1610.89 hectares; the potential of high-tech industry type development zones is 3504.03 hectares; and the potential of modern service industry type development zones is 3540.03 hectares. The potential size is 628.22 hectares. (3) Taking Dingzhou Economic Development Zone as an example, this paper makes an intensive evaluation of its enterprise land, and finds that the typical enterprise land in this area has the problem of low land intensity, and there is still room to tap the potential of land. As well as extensive land there is a greater potential for tapping, so through the revitalization of such land, will also provide greater protection for the equipment manufacturing industry industrial transfer projects. Intensive use of land in development zones was forced by measures such as strong post-supervision and linking new construction land indicators with land use indicators in stock.
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