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发布时间:2018-09-01 15:56
【摘要】:生态系统评估是认识我国生态环境状况,实施生态系统可持续管理的基础。森林生态系统作为我国陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,对维持我国自然生态系统格局、功能和过程具有特殊的生态意义。本研究以富阳市森林生态系统为研究对象,基于森林资源二类清查数据,依据《森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》(LY/T1721-2008),结合千年生态系统评估框架以及富阳市森林生态系统自身的特点,选择主要的森林生态系统服务功能评估指标,对富阳市森林生态系统服务功能量进行了估算,并运用市场价值法、影子工程法、替代工程法等方法对富阳市森林生态系统的木材年增加价值、固碳释氧、涵养水源、保育土壤和生物多样性维持等功能进行了价值量的评估。同时,为进一步研究不同森林类型生态系统服务功能的空间差异,以富阳庙山坞自然保护区为例,利用地理信息系统软件ArcGIS10.0,对保护区的主要服务功能进行了深入分析。研究结果表明:功能量方面:富阳市森林生态系统总的碳储量约为2.67×107 t·a-1,其中植被年固碳量约为6.68×105 t·a-1,年释氧量为1.66×106 t·a-1;森林活立木蓄积年增长量为1.82×106 m3·a-1;调节水量为6.50×108 m3·a-1,水质净化量为6.51×108 m3·a-1;固土量为2.05×106 t·a-1,保肥量为1.60×105 t·a-1。价值量方面:富阳市森林生态系统服务功能总价值为1.22×1010元·a-1,不同服务价值量大小依次为:涵养水源价值(5.33×109元·a-1)固碳释氧价值(3.32×109元·a-1)木材年增加价值(2.96×109元·a-1)生物多样性维持价值(3.74×108元·a-1)保育土壤价值(2.62×108元·a-1);富阳市森林生态系统服务功能单位面积价值量为1.08×105元·hm-2·a-1。不同林分类型的服务功能价值量大小比较顺序为:竹林木荷硬阔经济林软阔马尾松栎类杉木檫木阔叶混交林樟树;单位面积价值比较顺序为:软阔经济林檫木木荷竹林樟树硬阔阔叶混交林马尾松杉木栎类。富阳市森林生态系统服务功能的空间差异较大,对其不同乡镇而言,生态服务功能主要由位于大源镇和新登镇的森林生态系统提供,两个乡镇的生态系统服务功能价值量均达到了1.22×109元·a-1,在富阳市森林生态服务功能总价值中,其服务功能价值量的比重为20.16%;服务功能价值相对较低的是水稻所和强劳对,在富阳市森林生态系统总服务功能的价值中作用非常微小。单位面积森林生态服务功能价值相对较高的乡镇是新登林场和大青农垦场,其价值都高于1.89×105元·hm-2·a-1;单位面积价值相对较低的乡镇是强劳对,价值量为1.21×104元·hm-2·a-1。庙山坞自然保护区森林生态系统的涵养水源量为2.32×106 m3·a-1,保育土壤量为6.99×103 t·a-1,固碳释氧量为3795.81 t·a-1。自然保护区生态服务功能总价值量约为2.65×107元·a-1,不同林分类型服务功能价值量高低为:栎类木荷林硬阔毛竹林马尾松林杉木林。
[Abstract]:Ecosystem assessment is the basis for understanding the state of ecological environment and implementing sustainable management of ecosystem in China. Forest ecosystem, as an important part of terrestrial ecosystem in China, has special ecological significance to maintain the pattern, function and process of natural ecosystem in China. This study took the forest ecosystem of Fuyang city as the research object, based on the forest resources inventory data, According to LY/T1721-2008, combined with the Millennium ecosystem Assessment Framework and the characteristics of forest ecosystem in Fuyang City, the main evaluation indexes of forest ecosystem service function were selected. This paper estimates the service function of forest ecosystem in Fuyang city, and applies market value method, shadow engineering method and alternative engineering method to increase the value of wood in Fuyang forest ecosystem, sequester carbon and release oxygen, and conserve water source. Functions such as soil conservation and biodiversity maintenance were evaluated in terms of value. At the same time, in order to further study the spatial difference of ecosystem service function of different forest types, taking the Fuyang Miaoshanwu Nature Reserve as an example, the main service functions of the reserve were deeply analyzed by using the GIS software ArcGIS10.0,. The results show that the total carbon storage of forest ecosystem in Fuyang is about 2.67 脳 107 t ~ (-1), in which the annual carbon sequestration of vegetation is about 6.68 脳 10 ~ 5 t ~ (-1), the annual oxygen release is 1.66 脳 10 ~ (6) t ~ (a-1), the annual accumulation of forest living trees is 1.82 脳 10 ~ (6) m ~ (-3) a ~ (-1), and the regulating water is 6.50 脳 10 ~ (8) t ~ (-1). The amount of water purification is 6.51 脳 108m3a-1, the amount of soil consolidation is 2.05 脳 106t a-1and the amount of fertilizer preservation is 1.60 脳 105t a-1. Value: the total value of service function of forest ecosystem in Fuyang is 1.22 脳 1010 yuan a ~ (-1). The value of different service value is: water conservation value (5.33 脳 10 ~ 9 yuan a ~ (-1), carbon sequestration value (3.32 脳 10 ~ 9 yuan a ~ (-1), wood annual increment value (2.96 脳 10 ~ (9) yuan a ~ (-1). The value of sample maintenance value (3.74 脳 108yuan / a) and the value of soil conservation (2.62 脳 108yuan / a) and the value of forest ecosystem service function unit area of Fuyang city were 1.08 脳 105yuan hm-2 / a-1 and 1.08 脳 105yuan hm-2 / a-1 respectively. The order of service function value of different stand types is as follows: Chinese fir and sassafras broad-leaved mixed forest of Chinese fir and sassafras in the economic forest of hardwood and broad-leaved bamboo. The order of unit area value comparison is: soft broad economic forest sassafras wood and Schima superba bamboo forest camphor hardwood broad-leaved mixed forest Masson pine Chinese fir and Quercus lanceolata. The spatial difference of forest ecosystem service function in Fuyang City is great. For the different towns, the ecological service function is mainly provided by the forest ecosystem located in Dayuan Town and Xindeng Town. The value of ecosystem service function reached 1.22 脳 109 yuan a ~ (-1) in both villages and towns. In the total value of forest ecological service function in Fuyang City, the proportion of service function value was 20.16, and the value of service function was relatively low in rice institute and strong labor pair. It plays a very small role in the value of the total service function of forest ecosystem in Fuyang city. The higher value of forest ecological service function per unit area is Xindeng Forest Farm and Daqing Farm, whose value is higher than 1.89 脳 10 ~ 5 yuan hm-2 a ~ (-1), and the relatively low unit area value is strong labor pair, the value is 1.21 脳 10 ~ 4 yuan hm-2 a ~ (-1). The forest ecosystem of Miaoshanwu Nature Reserve has a water conservation capacity of 2.32 脳 10 ~ 6 m ~ 3 路a ~ (-1), a soil conservation of 6.99 脳 10 ~ 3 t ~ (-1) a ~ (-1) and a carbon sequestration of 3795.81 t ~ (-1) a ~ (-1). The total value of ecological service function in nature reserve is about 2.65 脳 10 ~ 7 yuan a ~ (-1), and the value of service function of different stands is as follows: Quercus lanceolata forest, hard broad-leaved bamboo forest, Pinus massoniana forest.


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