[Abstract]:Taking the Liangjiang New area of Chongqing as a typical case of the state-level new area, this paper describes the pattern characteristics of landscape mosaic level in Liangjiang New area by using (GIS) analysis and landscape ecology method. The landscape index was calculated from two aspects of landscape mosaic level of construction land and single landscape element level of construction land in Liangjiang New area, and the landscape effect of construction land expansion was analyzed. The results showed that the overall landscape shape of the new area tended to be regular, the patch connectivity increased, and the landscape aggregation degree increased. Because of the expansion of construction land, the landscape type showed a single trend, and the whole area landscape tended to be large, concentrated and scattered. The landscape shape of construction land in the whole area became regular, the degree of fragmentation decreased, the degree of connectivity and dominance increased, the degree of aggregation of urban landscape increased, and the degree of urban landscape aggregation decreased, the expansion presented a state of fragmentation and irregularity, and the rural residential areas were badly broken. Irregular shape and low connectivity. Based on this, the development of the new area of the two rivers should embody the characteristics of the mountain city, attach importance to the unique urban form and structure of the mountain city, give full play to the role of "group type" layout, and use scientific planning to guide the development of the construction land. Maintain the natural ecological pattern.
【作者单位】: 贵州财经大学公管学院;广东中地土地房地产评估与规划设计有限公司;
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