[Abstract]:Migrant workers are a new type of labor force growing up in the process of reform and opening up, part of modern industrial workers and an important force in the modernization construction of our country. In recent years, the group of migrant workers has changed, the younger generation of migrant workers increasingly become the forerunner and the main group of migrant workers. Compared with the traditional migrant workers, they have some new characteristics. Although the new generation of migrant workers have been employed and lived in cities and towns, some have been married and lived in the city for many years, because their hukou is still agricultural hukou, so they still can not enjoy the same employment and welfare treatment as urban residents. It is not only the need to break the dual system reform of urban-rural segmentation, but also the need to promote the rapid and healthy development of urbanization. Accelerating the urbanization of the new generation of migrant workers is the basic need to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, the need to promote the healthy development of urbanization, the need to expand domestic demand, and the need to promote the steady and rapid development of the national economy. It is the need to speed up the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and to promote the harmonious development of society. Firstly, this paper summarizes the connotation, characteristics, difficulties and causes of the new generation of migrant workers, and the path choice of the new generation of migrant workers. It is clear that the focus of this paper is the study of the citizenship of new migrant workers. The related concepts of the new generation of migrant workers are defined and the related theories are explained. Based on the analysis of 16878 samples from 8 cities in the monitoring data of floating population in 2013, through the comparison between the new generation of migrant workers and the old generation of peasants, the basic characteristics and economic and social characteristics of the new generation of migrant workers are obtained. The characteristics of culture, identity, etc. An index system is established to measure the index of the new generation of migrant workers, and the degree of the new generation of migrant workers is measured by using the equal weight factor analysis method, and the results obtained are evaluated. Based on the analysis of the present situation of the new generation of migrant workers, the paper puts forward the realistic predicament of the new generation of migrant workers, including economic factors, social systems, environmental factors, cultural factors and identity factors. And from these aspects to analyze the reasons for the plight. Finally, it is put forward that the new generation of migrant workers should live in the city and have a relatively stable work and legal income source. The first generation of urban identity and sense of belonging is the acquisition of urban household registration and the exercise of citizens' political, economic and social rights. The urbanization of benefit-psychology adjustment and life style-cultural and social identity, Finally, the realization of citizenship. And how to better realize the new generation of migrant workers citizens put forward suggestions.
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