[Abstract]:Since the reform of the new collective forest rights system in 2003, the peasant household as the main body of the reform of the collective forest rights system, and also the main body of the trade in the forest land circulation market, its circulation will affect the circulation of the right to use the forest land. With the rapid development of the mountain economy and the pace of urbanization in our country, the farmer's employment path and the diversification of the source of income have formed different peasant stratum, and there may be a difference between the forest land circulation intention of different stratum farmers. The degree of dependence of land is different, that is, the different preference of forest land property right, may also appear as the difference of forest land circulation intention. In this paper, we hope to find the driving factors and limiting factors that affect the will of farmers' forest land circulation, and promote the further circulation of forest land. The data of 187 micro-farmers in 4 counties (cities) in Zhejiang Province were studied. Firstly, the status of peasant stratum differentiation in the sample area, the preference status of forest land and the will of forest land circulation will be described. The influence factors of farmer's forest land circulation will be analyzed by using the binary Logistic model. The following conclusions are obtained: With the development of mountain economy and the advance of urbanization, the former highly homogeneous group of farmers has begun to differentiate. The preference of farmers to forest land property rights system is different. Most farmers think forest land property rights are important. Among 187 households, 44. 92% of farmers have circulation will, 55. 08% of farmers want to remain unchanged, the number of farmers with forest land circulation will be less than the number of farmers who want to keep the same. The scale, time limit, motivation and so on are different from the farmers who have the desire to flow. Each occupation class has strong preference for various kinds of property rights in forestland. It is considered that the land use right and forest land mortgage are important, and the farmers account for the highest proportion; it is considered that the forest land usufruct is important, and the peasant households in the business class make up the highest proportion; it is considered that the forest land use right is important, the farmer accounts for the manager stratum is higher than the highest; it is considered important to inherit the forest land. The farmers in the farming class make up the highest. Farmers with different household income levels have strong preference for forest land property rights. And it is considered that the income right of forest land, the right of forest land and the inheritance of forest land are important, the household income level is at the lower level, the household income level is higher than the highest; it is considered that forest land mortgage is important, the household income level is at the lowest level, the farmer accounts for the highest proportion; it is considered that the preference of forest land use right is important, Household income levels are among the highest in middle-class households. The turnover intention of the business class and the manager class is stronger, the farming class and the worker class tend to keep the status quo. Among the farmers who are willing to flow into, the farmers account for the highest proportion; among the farmers who are willing to flow out, the farmers account for the highest proportion. Regardless of the level of household income, it is desirable to keep the same farmers in the majority. In the lower layer, the inflow intention of the upper and lower layers is stronger than the outflow intention, and the outflow intention of the middle layer and the middle layer is stronger than the inflow intention. Among the farmers who are willing to flow into, the upper-level farmers account for the highest proportion; among the farmers who are willing to flow out, middle-level farmers are the highest. Compared with the control group, the willingness of forestland outflow was stronger than that of the control group (the farming class). Compared with the control group (upper layer), the farmers whose household income is in the middle and lower levels has a stronger outflow intention. Compared with the control group (the upper layer), the outflow intention of the peasant households in the middle and lower layers is more intense, and Yongkang is used as a reference group and is opened, Linan's farmers are more inclined to flow out than Yongkang's farmers. In the model of farmer's forestland inflow will influence factor model, the age, per capita forest land area has a significant negative influence on the farmer's forestland inflow will. The household income level is in the middle-upper level, the farmers inflow will be weaker; open, Linan and Longquan farmer's inflow will be stronger than Yongkang's farmers. According to the above conclusions, the following suggestions are made: one is to establish and improve the forest rights management system and publish the circulation information. The second is to develop non-agricultural industries and raise farmers' income level. 3. To respect the will of farmers and encourage farmers to carry out forest land circulation.
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