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发布时间:2018-10-20 18:04
[Abstract]:In recent years, the Beijing Municipal Government has implemented the ecological compensation project of "Rice to drought" in the upper reaches of Miyun Reservoir to ensure the safety of urban water supply, and whether the upstream farmers can participate actively is the key to the success of the project. Based on the survey data of farmers, the characteristics of participation intention of three township farmers in Fengning County, Hebei Province, in the upper reaches of Miyun Reservoir were analyzed by using the selection experiment model. This paper estimates quantitatively the influence of "contract duration", "whether it is possible to withdraw halfway", "proportion of land involved in projects", "use of less fertilizer", "can be watered" and "subsidy amount" to farmers' willingness to participate in the project. Except for the proportion of land involved in the project, the other attributes have a significant effect on the willingness of farmers to participate in the project. Based on this, the marginal effect and the marginal receptive intention with significant influence on the selection attribute are estimated. The results show that: (1) Farmers prefer "can withdraw" and "short contract period", which reflects the sustainability risk of the project. It can be solved by creating more non-agricultural employment opportunities that are suitable to the characteristics of local labor force; (2) "No watering" and "reducing fertilizer use" have become two factors that hinder farmers' participation. In order to reduce the adverse impact of farmers' production behavior on the project effectiveness, we can start with the improvement of farmers' environmental awareness by means of technical training at this stage. (3) the compensation amount has a limited effect on mobilizing farmers to participate in the project. However, the other selection attributes show better characteristics of farmers' mobilization and participation. Therefore, we can try to strengthen farmers' independent participation in decision-making, and introduce flexible contract mechanism to effectively attract farmers to participate and save the use of compensation funds. (4) different villages and towns show different willingness to participate in the "rice drought" project. Compared with agricultural villages and towns, the compensation expectations of non-agricultural industrial towns are relatively high. Therefore, consideration should be given to changing the "one-size-fits-all" approach and designing diversified compensation strategies.
【作者单位】: 北京林业大学水土保持学院;北京林学会;中国林业科学研究院荒漠化研究所;北京林业大学经济管理学院;森林趋势;


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