发布时间:2018-10-24 22:06
【摘要】:大鲵(Andrias davidianus)属两栖纲(Amphidia)有尾目(Caudata)隐鳃鲵科(Cryptobranchidac)。中国大鲵是我国特有的珍稀两栖动物,由于历史的变迁,大鲵的栖息地发生了变化或受到破坏,以及人类过度捕捉等原因,造成大鲵资源急剧下降,分布区域极度萎缩,绝大部分区域已出现种群灭绝的境地,已被列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)附录Ⅰ中的极危物种。湖南是中国大鲵最主要的产地之一,张家界地区是被国务院批准建立的第一个“湖南张家界大鲵国家级自然保护区”。为此,本论文通过研究历史文献、现代资料,并对湖南中国大鲵主要的栖息地湘西地区进行了考察与分析,以期为中国大鲵的资源保护和人工驯养提供科学依据。主要研究结果如下:湘西地区大鲵栖息地的气候和地理条件是:海拔为260--600米左右,植被为常绿针阔混交叶林,年平均气温13.4℃,年平均降雨量为1485--1518mm,年平均相对湿度77%,全年无霜期240--300天,平均日照1563.3小时;溪沟一般是两岸以岩石和土石为主,两岸坡度不规则,植被覆盖度85%以上,溪底为卵石和砂石,溪沟形状不规则,溪水深0.5-3.8m(潭),流速0.25-1m/s;洞穴一般是口宽约30cm,高约20cm,纵深较深,洞口高出水面,洞穴内有流水,洞底一般以沙、卵石、岩石组成。大鲵偏爱的水环境为:水温12.6—21.5℃,水质清澈透明,透明度大于2m,溶解氧大于8mg/L, pH值在6.6-8.5,水体硬度相对大,二价钙离子含量高,氨氮及有机磷含量低。湖南的中国大鲵野生亲本在天然水域的资源量,估算已不足一万尾。2005年前,全省可收集野生大鲵幼苗的有5处地方,年收集幼苗4000尾左右。2014年只2处地方收集野生幼鲵1200尾,野生资源下降趋势明显。但人工繁育发展迅速,而人工驯养量在近年来有了较大的发展,已达到97万余尾。大鲵的人工与仿生态繁殖已获得较大成功,仅2014年就向全国销售种鲵2000余尾、幼鲵14万余尾、成鲵28万余尾。2014年统计,湖南省驯养繁殖、经营利用企业514家,委托驯养户近2000户,全省利用仿生态繁殖及人工繁殖技术生产苗种35万余尾,存池亲本达11.6万余尾。在以开发促保护方面也取得成效,延伸了大鲵产业链,在全国率先将大鲵深加工产品投放市场。张家界已有多家公司都涉足于娃娃鱼深加工的科研和市场开发。金鲵生物科技有限公司获得大鲵深加工产品发明专利14项,其中包括有《大鲵美容护肤品生产方法》、《大鲵保健品及其生产方法》、《大鲵分泌物提取分离方法》等;拥有大鲵低聚糖肽核心专利2项。通过与北京大学、华中科技大学等高校合作,共开发出“金鲵”牌娃娃鱼长寿面、美白抗衰护肤品、软骨粉、蛋白多肽粉等7个新产品。本文还对湖南在大鲵资源保护和产业发展过程中存在的问题进行了研究,并针对性地提出了一些建议。
[Abstract]:Giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) belongs to the amphibian class (Amphidia) with (Caudata) Cryptobranchydae (Cryptobranchidac). Chinese giant salamander is a unique and rare amphibian in China. Due to historical changes, the habitat of giant salamander has been changed or destroyed, as well as human overcapture and other reasons, resulting in a sharp decline in the resources of giant salamander, the distribution area is extremely atrophy. Most of the regions have become extinct and have been listed in the (CITES) Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Hunan is one of the most important producing areas of Chinese giant salamander. Zhangjiajie area is the first "Hunan Zhangjiajie giant salamander national nature reserve" approved by the State Council. In order to provide scientific basis for the conservation and artificial domestication of Chinese giant salamander, this paper investigated and analyzed the main habitat of Andrias davidianus in Hunan province by studying the historical documents and modern data in order to provide a scientific basis for the conservation and artificial domestication of Chinese giant salamander. The main results are as follows: the climatic and geographical conditions of the habitat of Andrias davidianus in western Hunan are 260--600 meters above sea level, Ye Lin as evergreen conifer and broad-leaved mixed vegetation, and the annual average temperature is 13.4 鈩,
[Abstract]:Giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) belongs to the amphibian class (Amphidia) with (Caudata) Cryptobranchydae (Cryptobranchidac). Chinese giant salamander is a unique and rare amphibian in China. Due to historical changes, the habitat of giant salamander has been changed or destroyed, as well as human overcapture and other reasons, resulting in a sharp decline in the resources of giant salamander, the distribution area is extremely atrophy. Most of the regions have become extinct and have been listed in the (CITES) Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Hunan is one of the most important producing areas of Chinese giant salamander. Zhangjiajie area is the first "Hunan Zhangjiajie giant salamander national nature reserve" approved by the State Council. In order to provide scientific basis for the conservation and artificial domestication of Chinese giant salamander, this paper investigated and analyzed the main habitat of Andrias davidianus in Hunan province by studying the historical documents and modern data in order to provide a scientific basis for the conservation and artificial domestication of Chinese giant salamander. The main results are as follows: the climatic and geographical conditions of the habitat of Andrias davidianus in western Hunan are 260--600 meters above sea level, Ye Lin as evergreen conifer and broad-leaved mixed vegetation, and the annual average temperature is 13.4 鈩,