[Abstract]:The evaluation method of intensive land use in development zones is the key element of comprehensive and objective evaluation of land intensive use in development zones. Taking 12 development zones in Nanjing as an example, this paper attempts to use matter-element analysis method and multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate and analyze the level of intensive land use in the development zone, and to compare the results with the evaluation results of land intensive use efficiency. In order to explore more appropriate land use level evaluation method. The results show that: (1) the main limiting factors of intensive land use in Nanjing development zones are different, which are mainly enterprise land volume ratio, building density of enterprise land, input intensity of construction land and output intensity of construction land; There are obvious differences in the intensive land use level among the development zones in Nanjing. The intensive grade of the national development zones is higher than that of the provincial development zones, and the intensive grade of the high-tech development zones is higher than the traditional economic development zones. (2) compared with the multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method, the matter element analysis method can not only reflect the comprehensive information of the research object, but also reflect the differentiation of a single index and the stability of the state of the research object. There is a certain difference between the evaluation results of intensive land use level and that of land intensive use efficiency, which indicates that the future development zone should not only improve its intensive utilization level but also enhance its intensive utilization efficiency.
【作者单位】: 南京农业大学公共管理学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金“基于权益保护的土地退出机制设计与农民工城乡迁移研究”(71173113) 南京市国土资源局项目“南京市国土资源节约集约利用综合评价”~~
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