[Abstract]:China's economic development and other aspects of progress should be based on agriculture as the most basic basis. The agricultural development of our country is deepening along with the progress of the times, but in terms of the current situation of agricultural development, the shortage of agricultural science and technology extension in our country limits the process of rural agricultural development. Lushan County is located in the mountainous area around the basin of Sichuan Province, with poor production and living infrastructure and weak economic development. Since 2008, Lushan has experienced the "Wenchuan earthquake and the Lushan strong earthquake" and has suffered very serious damage. Agricultural production is facing severe challenges. At the same time, Lushan County regards "rich agricultural county" as one of the five major strategies for economic development, and the development of agricultural science and technology has become the new normal for Lushan County to adapt to the development of agricultural economy. Improving agricultural science and technology extension system is of great significance to the development of agricultural economy in Lushan, and is also an important grasp to ensure that Lushan County, the whole country and the whole province can build a well-off society simultaneously. This paper takes the practice of agricultural science and technology extension in Lushan County as the basic analysis object, combining with various research methods, including literature research, comparative analysis and field interviews, etc. This paper deeply analyzes the problems existing in the agricultural extension system of Lushan County and the reasons for its formation, which are mainly reflected in the traditional concept, not paying attention to the field of agricultural technical extension, and the funds allocated by the relevant government departments for agricultural extension are less. It can not satisfy the related technical expenses and propaganda activities, which is reflected in the lack of qualified personnel and the low professional accomplishment in agricultural extension technology. In order to make effective progress in the process of agricultural technology extension in Lushan County, we should further establish the corresponding extension system and put forward constructive suggestions of practical significance: first, we should continue to strengthen the intensity of agricultural technology extension and advocate enterprises. Colleges and universities to carry out agricultural technology training, the application of more advanced technology in agricultural production; The second is to strengthen the construction of professional talent team, improve the talent structure allocation, stimulate the enthusiasm of agricultural technicians, and make them better put into agricultural production services; Third, to give full play to the functions of rural specialized cooperatives, to establish a number of enterprises with advanced agricultural technologies, to conform to the new situation, to seize the opportunity for reconstruction, and to establish agricultural demonstration zones and science and technology parks. Improving the efficiency of agricultural extension with the help of network information integration and "Internet"; Fourth, the government actively exerts its public service function, earnestly improves the purchasing efficiency of agricultural extension technology, and further optimizes the design concept of agricultural production technology. In order to achieve a sustained promotion of rural agricultural products industry brought economic income-generating the ultimate goal.
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