发布时间:2018-12-18 20:55
[Abstract]:Livelihood capital is the core content of promoting farmers' sustainable livelihood development. Based on this, using DFID's theory of sustainable livelihood development for reference, the livelihood capital measurement scale is developed, and the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of 566 farmers' sample data in southern Yunnan (southern Yunnan) is carried out. To test the validity of the livelihood capital measurement scale and to obtain the unique factors that affect the farmers' livelihood capital, the paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the sustainable development of farmers' livelihood in the cross-border mountainous areas of southern Yunnan Province by means of the research conclusions.
【作者单位】: 云南省农业科学院农业经济与信息研究所;
[Abstract]:Livelihood capital is the core content of promoting farmers' sustainable livelihood development. Based on this, using DFID's theory of sustainable livelihood development for reference, the livelihood capital measurement scale is developed, and the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of 566 farmers' sample data in southern Yunnan (southern Yunnan) is carried out. To test the validity of the livelihood capital measurement scale and to obtain the unique factors that affect the farmers' livelihood capital, the paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the sustainable development of farmers' livelihood in the cross-border mountainous areas of southern Yunnan Province by means of the research conclusions.
【作者单位】: 云南省农业科学院农业经济与信息研究所;
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