[Abstract]:The strict system of arable land protection in our country makes the quantity of cultivated land keep stable in the rapid change of industrialization in the last ten years, but the quality of cultivated land is on the low side as a whole. Based on the analysis of the current situation of cultivated land use in China and the related research results of cultivated land rest and recuperation at home and abroad, this paper puts forward the necessity and urgency of implementing cultivated land rest and recuperation. The basic situation of tight supply of agricultural products determines the complexity and difficulty of formulating and implementing cultivated land rest and recuperation policies in our country, especially when cultivated land rest and recuperation has become a public policy that is universally popularized throughout the country. The mechanism and result of its influence on food security must be paid attention to. Under this background, this paper attempts to quantitatively predict the grain security risk under the background of cultivated land rest and recuperation by constructing a grain shortage rate model, and based on the results of farmland quality assessment, quantitatively predict the food security risk of cultivated land under the background of rest and recuperation. Since cultivated land rest and recuperation has not been carried out as a public policy in China, this paper takes Fujian Province as an example to make a virtual empirical study in order to provide a reference for the formulation of future cultivated land rest and recuperation policy. Through the research, this paper mainly draws the following conclusions: (1) part of cultivated land recuperation will lead to a certain period of time to reduce the total grain supply, but take different rest and recuperation measures can increase the content of soil organic matter, effective soil thickness, The improvement of topsoil texture, profile configuration and irrigation guarantee rate can improve the quality of cultivated land by one or two grades, and increase the grain yield after putting into production. (2) the average quality of cultivated land in Fujian Province is 9.1, and the quality of cultivated land is on the low side as a whole. High-grade land only accounts for 0.36% of the total cultivated land area of the province, while low-and middle-grade land area accounts for 60.41% of the total cultivated land area, and the cultivated land quality has great potential for improvement. Based on the forecast of the future population and per capita grain demand in Fujian Province, if the cultivated land rest and recuperation policy is not implemented, the grain shortage rate in Fujian Province in 2016 will be 0.8% without any change in the quantity and quality of cultivated land. And with the increase of population and per capita grain demand, the grain gap will gradually expand, reaching 13.3% in 2020, and grain demand will be difficult to meet. (3) based on the background of cultivated land resources in Fujian Province, the practical experience of cultivated land rest and recuperation abroad will be used for reference. Draw up a five-year plan for the rest and recuperation of cultivated land in Fujian Province (2016-2020), and predict the grain shortage rate under different rest and recuperation scales. The results show that: 3%, 5%, 7%, 10% of the cultivated land under rest and recuperation. The grain gap in Fujian Province will be reduced by 0.4% / 1.0% and 0.7% / 1.7% respectively in 2020. 0.9%, 2.3% and 1.3%, 3.3%. (4) considering the risk of grain yield reduction during the rest and recuperation period and the improvement of cultivated land quality after rest and recuperation, we compared the grain shortage rate under different rest and recuperation scales and modes of rest and recuperation. It is suggested that 13 places of 41455.88hm2 rest and recuperation in Fujian Province between 2016 and 2019 can not only effectively reduce grain shortage rate in 2020, but also have the least comprehensive impact on food security from 2016 to 2020.
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