发布时间:2019-03-27 12:42
[Abstract]:Facility agriculture is one of the pillar industries in the development of rural economy. It plays an important role in solving food safety, solving the problem of "agriculture, countryside and farmers", and promoting the process of agricultural industrialization and modernization. It is of great significance to develop facility agriculture according to local conditions and to realize economic benefit, social benefit and ecological benefit, which is of great significance for farmers in less developed areas to get rid of poverty and become rich.
【作者单位】: 中共朝阳市委党校;
[Abstract]:Facility agriculture is one of the pillar industries in the development of rural economy. It plays an important role in solving food safety, solving the problem of "agriculture, countryside and farmers", and promoting the process of agricultural industrialization and modernization. It is of great significance to develop facility agriculture according to local conditions and to realize economic benefit, social benefit and ecological benefit, which is of great significance for farmers in less developed areas to get rid of poverty and become rich.
【作者单位】: 中共朝阳市委党校;
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