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发布时间:2019-06-30 23:00
[Abstract]:In the past 38 years of reform and opening up, great achievements have been made in the construction of urbanization in China, which has directly promoted the process of socialist modernization in China, and the living standards of the vast urban population have been continuously improved. Although the income of farmers is also growing, it is limited by the division of urban-rural dual system, and the growth rate of farmers' income is much lower than that of urban residents. Even in rural areas, the rural areas of urban and rural areas rely on natural location advantages to expand and strengthen the collective economy, but also receive the dividend of urban expansion. Because of the lack of geographical advantages, the rural areas outside the urban and rural areas are still dominated by agricultural production, and the living standards of the villagers are difficult to improve, and the gap with the cities and urban-rural areas is widening. The construction of new countryside is not only conducive to improving farmers' income and living standards, but also conducive to expanding domestic demand and alleviating the pain of economic development under the new normal. How to build a new countryside and share the results of development with the cities has become a practical problem in front of the majority of the population. Taking Jining City, Shandong Province as an example, this paper first introduces the related concepts of "new socialist countryside", and focuses on where the "new" construction of new countryside is. Combined with the historical background and research significance, this paper puts forward the importance of speeding up the construction of new countryside in Jining City. Secondly, it summarizes the successful model of new rural construction in China and the background and measures of agricultural development in four capitalist modern countries: Japan, South Korea, the Netherlands and France. On the basis of comparative analysis with the actual situation of Jining City, this paper sums up the enlightenment and value of the successful experience of the above countries to the construction of new countryside in Jining City. Thirdly, although some achievements have been made in the construction of new countryside in Jining City in the past five years, it can not be disguised that the current level of regional village and town planning is low, and the role of planning guidance and regulation is not obvious; the development of modern agriculture lags behind, the lack of leading enterprises, the lack of demonstration power, the insufficient investment of funds, the backwardness of the financial system, the small economic scale, the low per capita index, and the imperfect security system. There are six problems, such as the shortage of agricultural talents, the low level of education, the serious brain drain, and the insufficient demonstration and leading role of grass-roots party organizations. Finally, combined with the enlightenment of the successful experience of developed countries to the construction of new countryside in Jining City, according to the experience of rural construction in advanced areas at home and abroad, combined with the reality of Jining, this paper puts forward four principles of new rural construction: planning priority, taking into account fairness, pluralistic investment and environmental protection. Corresponding to the above six problems, this paper puts forward that the scientific planning can lead the new rural construction; eliminate the invalid supply and increase the effective supply; construct the support of the new rural construction with the modernization of the project; give full play to the role of capital guidance, integrate financial institutions, innovate and build the rural financial platform; increase education and training to cultivate new farmers; In order to provide reference for the construction of new countryside in Jining City, six countermeasures, such as the demonstration leading role and the fighting fortress role of grass-roots party organizations, can be brought into full play in order to provide reference for the construction of new countryside in Jining City.


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