spatial autocorrelation regional economy spatial cluster the
Spatial autocorrelation of regional economy and dynamic evolution in Tarim River Basin during the last 25 years
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QIAO Xu-ning, YANG De-gang , LU Peng, YANG Yong-ju, ZHANG Yu-fang ( 1 Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011, China; 2 School of Survegi
[1]中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830011; [2]河南理工大学测绘与国土信息工程学院,河南焦作454003; [3]河南省科学院地理研究所,河南郑州450052
Abstr:This paper uses a spatial statistics method based on the calculation of spatial autocorrelation as a possible approach for modeling and quantifying the distribution of regional economy in the Tarim River Basin. GIS and spatial statistics provide a useful way for describing the distribution of regional economy both spatially and temporally. In this paper, patterns of regional economy spatial relations and its evolution are analyzed in the Tarim River basin from 1980 to 2004. Here are some conclusions: (1) Global Spatial Autocorrelation Coefficient increased nearly 1. 7 times in Tarim River basin in recent 25 years. Spatial positive autocorrelation of regional economy is obvious, which shows a waving and rising feature. Economic growth showed spatial positive autocorrelation at 5 % significant level, which meant that areas having similar levels of economic development clustered easily. (2) Correlations of part areas are significant, but majorities are not. Areas of spatial negative autocorrelation are disappearing gradually, and areas of positive autocorrelation become intensifying more and more. Especially, agglomeration and diffusion characteristics of regional economy along the axis of the railway and highway in south Xinjiang were obvious from 1995, which speeds up the transfer of dominant resources from undeveloped regions to developed regions. Under the multiplier effect and circulation and accumulation effect, the gap of economy between two areas of low - low pattern and high - high pattern becomes larger and larger. As a result, areas of low - low pattern and high - high pattern become two-polar that locates in the southwest and northeast of the Tarim River basin. (3) Changes of four kinds of patterns
Keyword::spatial autocorrelation regional economy spatial cluster the Tafim River Basin
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