发布时间:2018-01-02 23:34
本文关键词:欧盟区域内服务市场一体化研究 出处:《吉林大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 欧盟 区域经济一体化 服务贸易 壁垒 金融市场
【摘要】:二战结束之后,法国、意大利、联邦德国、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡六国经过谈判建立了欧洲煤钢共同体,开始了区域经济一体化合作之路。经过60多年的发展,欧盟已经发展成为包括28个成员国,人口超过5亿、经济总量世界第一的世界上最大的国家联合体。欧盟模式的成功引起了世界的关注,使20世纪90年代以来,形式各异的区域经济一体化组织以更快的速度在世界各地出现。区域经济一体化组织几乎覆盖所有的国家和地区。区域经济合作已经成为世界各国非常重要的实现经济发展的路径。 20世纪80年代以来,欧盟开始启动服务市场一体化进程,制定了大量的政策措施用于推进服务市场的一体化。大部分政策发挥了积极的作用,欧盟服务市场一体化程度不断加深,服务经济的发展水平日益提高。欧盟在推动区域服务市场一体化方面积累了大量的经验。 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,开展区域经济合作是实现经济发展的重要途径。目前,中国与其他国家的区域经济合作的水平相对较低,主要集中于货物贸易领域。如何拓展服务领域的区域合作,释放服务经济的促进经济增长和扩大就业的潜力,是中国亟待解决的课题。因此,本文对欧盟区域内服务市场一体化进行了研究,希望可以为中国拓展服务领域的合作提供参考和借鉴。 本文首先对区域经济一体化的有关理论进行了梳理;其次,以欧盟推进服务市场一体化的政策为视角,对欧盟区域内服务市场一体化的进程进行了分析;再次,对欧盟区域内服务市场的一体化水平进行了定性分析,,并以欧盟金融服务市场为例,对欧盟区域内服务市场一体化水平进行了定量分析;最后,以经济一体化的理论为依据,对欧盟区域内服务市场一体化的经验和效应进行了剖析和总结。 第一,欧盟成员国之间签署的条约是欧盟推进服务市场一体化的法律基础,相应的立法只能以条约内容为依据。欧盟条约对推进服务市场一体化的贡献在于确立了欧盟区域内服务市场一体化的基石——服务自由提供的原则和企业自由建立的原则。 第二,欧盟区域内服务贸易市场一体化的程度远低于货物贸易市场一体化的程度,欧盟服务贸易市场依然存在许多壁垒,既包括法律性质的壁垒也包括非法律性质的壁垒。 第三,《服务指令》是欧盟推进区域内服务贸易市场一体化的重要的政策文件,涵盖了60%的服务领域(以创造的新增价值计算),其他服务部门一体化政策主要体现在具体服务部门的次级法规中。 第四,对欧盟服务贸易市场一体化水平的定性分析结果可以看出,绝大多数欧盟推进服务贸易市场一体化的政策都发挥了积极作用,区域内服务市场一体化水平显著提升。但也存在着若干成员国执行迟缓、过度立法等现象,欧盟区域内服务市场进一步完善和发展的空间还很大。 第五,通过对欧盟金融市场一体化水平的定量分析发现,金融危机爆发之前,绝大多数金融服务部门的一体化水平都达到了较高的水平,受金融危机和欧洲主权债务危机影响,欧盟区域内金融市场一体化均出现了不同程度的倒退。 最后,波兰的旅店和餐饮服务业等,以及一些与生产相关的服务行业有向欧盟新老成员边界区域集中的趋势。
[Abstract]:After the end of World War II, France, Italy, Federal Republic of Germany, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg six after negotiations established the European Coal and steel community, start to cooperate the way of regional economic integration. After 60 years of development, the EU has evolved to include 28 members, more than 500 million people, the largest country in the world with the world economic output first. The EU model successfully attracted the attention of the world, since 1990s, regional economic integration organizations of different forms at a faster rate in the world. Regional economic integration organization covering almost all countries and regions. Regional economic cooperation has become the world is very important to achieve economic development path.
Since 1980s, the EU began to start the service market integration, formulated a number of policies and measures to promote the integration of service market. Most of the policy played a positive role, the extent of the EU services market integration continues to deepen, the development of water service economy normally improved. The EU has accumulated abundant experience in the promotion of regional market integration services.
Chinese is the world's largest developing country, regional economic cooperation is an important way to achieve economic development. At present, Chinese with other countries and regional economic cooperation level is relatively low, mainly in the field of trade in goods. How to expand regional cooperation services, the release of the service economy to promote economic growth and employment potential. China is an urgent problem to be solved. Therefore, the EU regional services market integration are studied, hoping to provide a reference for China expand cooperation in the service sector.
Firstly, the theory of regional economic integration is carried out; secondly, to promote the service market integration from the angle of policy, the EU regional service market integration process is analyzed; thirdly, the integration level of EU regional service market by qualitative analysis, and the EU financial services market as an example that makes a quantitative analysis on the EU regional services market integration level; finally, the economic integration theory, experience and effect of EU regional services market integration are analyzed and summarized.
First, the treaty signed between the EU Member States is the legal basis for EU to promote services market integration, the corresponding legislation can only according to the treaty. The Treaty on European Union contribution to promote the service market integration is to establish a foundation of market integration services across the region, service freely provide principles and the principle of establishing the free enterprise.
Second, the degree of integration of the service trade market in the EU is far below the degree of the integration of the goods trade market. There are still many barriers in the European service trade market, including the barrier of legal nature and the barrier of non legal nature.
Third, the "Service Directive" is an important policy document for the European Union to promote the integration of regional service trade market, covering 60% of the service sector (calculated by the newly created value), and the integration policies of other service sectors are mainly reflected in the secondary regulations of specific service sectors.
Fourth, the results of qualitative analysis on the EU market of service trade integration can be seen, the vast majority of the EU to promote service trade market integration policy has played a positive role in regional integration services market was significantly improved. But there are also some slow members, excessive legislation phenomenon, service market in European region and further improve a large development space.
Fifth, based on the quantitative analysis of EU financial market integration level, before the outbreak of the financial crisis, the level of integration of the vast majority of the financial services sector has reached a higher level, by the financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis, the European financial market integration in the region there are different degrees of retrogression.
Finally, Poland's hotel and catering services, as well as production related services, have a tendency to focus on the EU's new and old members.
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