本文关键词:物流产业集聚对区域经济增长的影响研究 出处:《深圳大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has entered a stage of rapid development. The economic development of China's logistics industry has began to rise, the rapid growth of the logistics industry scale, the number of enterprises increased, service capacity significantly improved, appeared the phenomenon of industrial agglomeration. The logistics industry as an important industry to promote the rapid and healthy development of national economy, the industrial agglomeration in the end, will have much impact on the economy has become a problem worth exploring. Industrial agglomeration theory generally believes that industrial agglomeration is an important way to promote the rapid development of regional economy. However, in the empirical test, the results of different scholars are not the same. Although most of the industrial agglomeration will have a positive effect on regional economic growth however, there are a lot of research shows that industrial agglomeration is not obvious effect on economic growth. In order to clear the relationship today, based on China's 2001-2015 provincial level data as the sample, using panel threshold regression model, test of China's logistics industry agglomeration effects on regional economy. The paper summarizes the related theory of industrial agglomeration, including the division of labor theory, the theory of external economy, agglomeration economy theory, and on this basis, it analyzes the mechanism of influence the role of the regional economy and logistics industry cluster, providing a theoretical basis for this study, which pave the way for the following mathematical analysis; then the current development of China's logistics industry from various angles are described, and describe the distribution characteristics of China's logistics industry space; then, after using the location entropy index to me China's logistics industry agglomeration level was calculated by means of the nonlinear regression model of Hansen, the logistics industry agglomeration level and regional economic growth in the empirical test on. The empirical results are the basis of the analysis, put forward relevant proposals for the development of the logistics industry. This study found that there is threshold effect on regional economic growth of China's logistics industry agglomeration space. To improve the logistics industry agglomeration level always can promote economic growth, but the different logistics agglomeration level of impact on the economy is not the same. When the agglomeration level of logistics industry is low, have a certain role in promoting the local economic growth; when the concentration level increases to a certain threshold value, the level of agglomeration effect on economic growth will be weakened; but when the agglomeration level of the logistics industry continues to improve, reach a higher threshold value when the economic growth was significantly increased, and the promoting effect than before. According to the grouping panel threshold regression model of the logistics industrial agglomeration level in the hair Now, in recent years, the overall degree of logistics industry agglomeration in China is increasing, and the level of logistics industry in most areas is still in the stage of promoting the economy greatly.
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