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发布时间:2018-01-14 15:20

  本文关键词:老挝反倾销的立法研究 出处:《昆明理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 反倾销法 老挝 立法完善

[Abstract]:Nowadays, the trend of economic globalization and regional economic integration in the world is deepening, the economic exchanges between countries are closer and more and more antidumping laws have been used since Laos joined the ASEAN Free Trade area. Market access conditions with other ASEAN members are lower and trade is more unfettered. Such a trading environment has largely contributed to faster economic progress in Laos, but we should be careful. Do not rely too much on this, because many other ASEAN member countries and Laos made more serious homogenization of goods, but the degree of industrialization in other countries, Laos is still relatively backward. Because Laos's domestic enterprises are not very clear about the nature of the anti-dumping law, so in most cases even if there is a dumping of foreign products. They seldom ask for anti-dumping investigation. Therefore, this paper mainly discusses and analyzes the legislation of Laos antidumping, and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures from the source of law. From the perspective of substantive law and procedural law, this paper studies and compares the anti-dumping laws of Laos and Thailand and China, which is helpful for Laos to draw lessons from the strengths of the antidumping laws of Thailand and China. Further improve the Lao Anti-dumping Law. Through the above statement, on the basis of the current Laotian Anti-dumping Law, put forward the following perfect countermeasures for the legislation of Laos antidumping: first. Raise the legislative level of the Lao Anti-dumping Law. Laos is still relatively deficient in the formulation of anti-dumping laws and regulations. It is necessary for Laos to speed up the study and formulation of a relatively complete anti-dumping law on the basis of the current implementation of laws and regulations, combined with the actual market situation of the country. Make law enforcement departments in the process of law enforcement. Second, substantive law countermeasures. Laos in the relevant concepts are relatively vague, such as: the application of "third country prices" conditions. The calculation of "export price", the definition of "similar product" and the definition of causality. The countermeasures of procedural law. Can perfect the anti-dumping starting agency, expand the scope of applicants, clear the investigation period, expand the form of guarantee of interim measures, expand the use of price commitments. To perfect the judicial review system, to strengthen the legislative provisions of the Lao anti-dumping, and to provide legal protection for the future anti-dumping cases.


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