本文关键词: 青海省 交通运输业 经济增长 回归分析 投入产出分析 出处:《西北民族大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Transportation industry is the basic industry of social economy, its development and regional economic growth are interrelated and influence each other. The benign interaction between the two plays an important role in regional economic growth. Qinghai Province is one of the ethnic provinces in the western region, along with the development of the western region and the promotion of the "Belt and Road" strategy. Comprehensive analysis and study of the relationship between transportation and economic development in Qinghai Province, to promote the rapid development of backward areas has an important practical significance. This paper analyzes the current situation of transportation and economic growth in Qinghai Province. Based on the understanding of the current situation of development of the two, the use of co-integration test, Granger causality test. Multiple regression analysis and input-output method are used to analyze the impact of transportation on economic growth. The relationship between railway and air transportation and economic growth is tested. The results show that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between transportation and economic growth in Qinghai Province. Among the three modes of air transportation, road transportation contributes the most to the economic growth, and highway is still the main mode of transportation in Qinghai Province. The input-output method is used to analyze the status of transportation industry in Qinghai economy. From the empirical analysis of forward correlation and backward correlation, we can see that transportation has greatly promoted the development of the second and third industries in Qinghai Province. Especially the secondary industry has a high degree of dependence on transportation. From the analysis of direct consumption coefficient and complete consumption coefficient, it can be concluded that:. Transportation industry has a high degree of dependence on the production and supply of finance and gas. The indirect consumption of transportation to other industrial sectors is greater than that of direct consumption. From the result of influence coefficient, it can be concluded that the influence coefficient of transportation industry is close to the average social influence level, but lower than the social average influence level; From the result of sensitivity coefficient, we can conclude that the demand induction degree of transportation industry is lower than the average social sensitivity level, and it is not difficult to get the result from the empirical analysis. There is no positive interaction between transportation and economic growth in Qinghai Province, and the stimulating effect of transportation on economic growth is not obvious. Therefore, combined with the development of transportation industry in Qinghai Province and the external social environment. Put forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions.
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