本文关键词: 长三角城市群 创新溢出 空间计量模型 空间收敛 出处:《浙江工商大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:技术创新是区域经济发展的内在动力。随着经济全球化的不断加深,创新活动表现出越来越明显的空间效应,创新溢出效应呈现逐步加强的趋势。创新溢出效应对于缩小落后地区与先进地区经济发展水平具有重要意义。因此,本文在已有空间经济学的理论基础上,对长三角城市的创新空间溢出效应进行实证研究,旨为全国其他区域经济发展提供借鉴。 本文首先系统地构建了城市创新溢出的理论框架,从前提、本质、通道、影响四个方面具体梳理了城市创新溢出的内在机理。其次,概括性地介绍了创新溢出的传统测度方法,并从空间相关性检验、空间计量模型以及空间权重矩阵三方面阐述了空间计量经济学方法。再次,本文以三种不同空间权重矩阵为基础,利用空间探索性分析、空间计量模型以及空间收敛模型对2004-2012年长三角城市的创新空间溢出进行实证分析,结果表明:(1)2004年以来,长三角城市群的专利数量不仅从量上还是结构上都有了明显的提升和改善,且在地理空间上存在集聚效应,创新活动高度集中在上海、苏州、宁波等几个城市;全域自相关检验表现出正的空间相关性,局域自相关检验表明部分城市偏离了这种正相关。(2)通过对创新空间溢出的实证分析发现,长三角城市群已经形成了显著的空间溢出效应。创新的经费和人员投入对创新产出有显著正影响;外商直接投资、产业的专业化集聚和多样化集聚未能促进创新生产;城市人口越集中,创新溢出越显著。(3)通过对创新空间溢出的收敛性分析发现,长三角城市群存在较弱的δ收敛,同时也存在β绝对/条件收敛,明显的空间溢出效应使得长三角城市群的创新水平趋同。 本文的创新点在于以城市群为研究对象,深入研究了城市创新溢出的内在机理,从空间邻近、地理距离以及经济距离三个不同角度建立空间权重矩阵分析长三角城市群创新空间溢出效应,同时对创新溢出进行了收敛性分析。然而,知识的特性对创新溢出的影响很大,没有细分显性与隐性知识对分析的结果会产出一定的影响,这有待进一步加强;同时,空间权重矩阵的多样化还有待提高。
[Abstract]:Technological innovation is the internal power of regional economic development. With the deepening of economic globalization, innovation activities show more and more obvious spatial effect. Innovation spillover effect shows a trend of strengthening step by step. Innovation spillover effect is of great significance to reduce the level of economic development in backward and advanced areas. Therefore, this paper is based on the existing theory of spatial economics. This paper makes an empirical study on the spatial spillover effect of innovation in the Yangtze River Delta city in order to provide reference for the economic development of other regions in China. Firstly, this paper systematically constructs the theoretical framework of urban innovation spillover, combing the internal mechanism of urban innovation spillover from four aspects: premise, essence, channel and influence. This paper introduces the traditional measurement method of innovation spillover, and expounds the spatial econometrics method from three aspects: spatial correlation test, spatial econometric model and spatial weight matrix. Based on three different spatial weight matrices, this paper makes use of spatial exploratory analysis. The spatial econometric model and the spatial convergence model are used to analyze the innovation spatial spillover of Yangtze River Delta city from 2004 to 2012. The results show that: 1) since 2004. The patent number of Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration not only has obvious improvement in quantity and structure, but also has agglomeration effect in geographical space. Innovation activities are highly concentrated in Shanghai, Suzhou, Ningbo and other cities. Global autocorrelation test shows positive spatial correlation, local autocorrelation test shows that some cities deviate from this positive correlation. The Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration has formed the remarkable spatial spillover effect, the innovation funds and the personnel input have the remarkable positive influence to the innovation output; Foreign direct investment, industrial specialization agglomeration and diversification agglomeration failed to promote innovative production; Through the convergence analysis of innovation space spillover, it is found that there is weak 未 convergence and 尾 absolute / conditional convergence in Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration. The obvious spatial spillover effect makes the innovation level of Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration converge. The innovation of this paper is to take the urban agglomeration as the research object, and deeply study the inherent mechanism of urban innovation spillover, from the spatial proximity. Three different angles of geographical distance and economic distance are established to analyze the spatial spillover effect of innovation in Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, and the convergence of innovation spillover is also analyzed. The characteristics of knowledge have a great impact on innovation spillover, and no explicit and tacit knowledge will have a certain effect on the results of analysis, which needs to be further strengthened. At the same time, the diversity of spatial weight matrix needs to be improved.
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