本文关键词: 中国式分权 收入不平等 转移支付 非对称性 出处:《安徽财经大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Income inequality will lead to many social contradictions. As the economist Nobel Lewis said, the change of income distribution because of its easily lead to jealousy and social unrest, it has a certain political meaning. This fully explore a series of change process and reason is important for the government to formulate the corresponding strategy according to the official statistics on the policy. Data show that since 2003, China's Gini coefficient is greater than 0.4, is always higher than the global average of more than 200 countries and regions, in 2008 was 0.4912014 for 0.469 years, the last 2015 up to 0.462. if unconventional income factors in reference, the Gini data will be bigger, causes of income not inquiry the problem of equality and explore the appropriate policy has become a pressing matter of the moment. However, as the economist Daniel Baer said: every social problem, even Including the problem of each economy, in the final analysis can be attributed to the financial problems. How Chinese decentralization is boosting or in reducing urban-rural income inequality has not yet reached a consensus in theory, firstly, based on the typical facts Chinese decentralization, from two aspects of theory and budget expenditure decentralization mechanism of income inequality then, based on the comprehensive measure of urban and rural residents' income Gini coefficient and China decentralization level, establish panel data model from national and regional perspective to examine the influence of China on decentralization of urban-rural income inequality, the result is found either from the national or regional, budgetary revenue decentralization promotion are conducive to reducing the urban-rural income inequality. Two budget expenditure decentralization increase although from the national will exacerbate the urban-rural income inequality, but In the budget expenditure decentralization of relatively low levels of the Midwest, still can significantly reduce the urban-rural income inequality. Three is the impact of budgetary revenue and expenditure decentralization of the country and the eastern and western regions of the urban and rural residents' income inequality is consistent. Overall, the empirical test of national and region, between inside and outside the budget fiscal decentralization and urban and rural income inequality is more complex, East, with differences in the impact of the western region, while the same period of the control variables, such as the level of economic development, urbanization and the opening degree of urban-rural income inequality effects also has significant regional differences. At the same time, the concern is based on finance the classical theory of decentralization literature, transfer payment as an important part of fiscal decentralization, and the urban-rural income inequality is positively related to a more unified. Based on the present In reality the fiscal decentralization has not realized the full sense of narrowing the urban-rural income inequality, the central government transfer payment as an important means of macro-control, the narrowing of the income of urban and rural residents are not equal in its role and how to implement the transfer payment are worthy of further study in local government practice. So then, the fiscal decentralization based on the background, from the theoretical and empirical level focuses on the relationship between transfer payment and income inequality. Firstly, the heterogeneity of fiscal revenue and expenditure in the field of view, analysis of the necessity of transfer payment are key, further emphasized the role of incentive mechanism in the transfer payment between urban and rural residents income inequality. The empirical analysis, the introduction of fiscal decentralization asymmetric variables and three types of transfer coefficient, the results showed that the fiscal decentralization is to According to national and sub regional and urban-rural income inequality has a consistent positive relationship. The two is in the full sample analysis, transfer dependence and urban-rural income inequality is positively related. In the study area, the transfer payment will enhance the dependence of different degree increased, the income of urban and rural area residents are not equal, however, in the eastern region has shown significant positive effect. The three is the transfer payment item analysis, tax rebates in national and sub regional income inequality is significantly negative; general transfer payments can effectively reduce the income of urban and rural residents in the eastern region of the country and inequality. The western region is positive; the special transfer payment is effective to reduce the eastern and central areas of urban and rural residents' income inequality, but a significant increase in the western region of urban and rural residents income inequality in the whole. Sample inspection while the special transfer payment of urban and rural residents' income inequality is negatively correlated, but not significantly. Four such as per capita GDP development speed, the natural population growth rate, per capita foreign investment and per capita schooling effect has obvious regional characteristics, cultural and regional economic development, and the policy environment are closely related. Finally, the strength and direction of fiscal decentralization, the rational division of property rights and the governance scope, scale and direction of the standard transfer payment system, strengthen the system construction of the transfer payment and formulate the regional development strategy, relevant recommendations on how to promote income equality between urban and rural areas of the transfer payment in tax law to control the return of scale in the construction of system. To perfect the system of tax rebates, to strengthen the construction of general transfer payments, increase general transfer payments and special to make clear Transfer payment standards to ensure the scale of their appropriateness.
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