本文关键词: 公路桥梁 勘察设计 CAD应用 出处:《科技展望》2016年35期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The continuous improvement of the development level of regional economic construction has promoted the development of transportation network construction. At the same time, it also promotes the further improvement of the technical level of construction survey of traffic engineering. CAD software is a common drawing and analysis software used in the field of engineering construction. It can compile the corresponding data information into a more intuitive plane or 3D drawings. At the same time, the application of CAD in highway and bridge survey and design can be effectively completed with the help of internal corresponding data module. It can enhance the level of information of work and provide a series of standardized data information for survey and design. The quality and efficiency of investigation and design are fully guaranteed. This paper discusses the relevant contents of CAD application in highway and bridge reconnaissance and design in order to provide certain reference and reference.
【作者单位】: 黔东南州交通勘察设计院;
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