发布时间:2018-03-05 22:37
本文选题:丘3区 切入点:水土保持 出处:《甘肃农业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:本研究以甘肃黄土丘陵沟壑第三副区(以下简称丘3区)为研究对象,以1980年~2012年丘3区水土保持措施年报统计数据、甘肃省第一次全国水利普查为基础,以“08国标”为指导,对丘3区30多年来水土保持取得的成效,水土保持综合治理效益的指标体系,以及调水保土、经济、社会及生态效益进行了分析研究,取得了以下主要结论: (1)构建了丘3区水土保持综合治理效益评价指标体系。根据指标选择原则,结合研究区自然、社会经济等实际情况,确定了4个一级指标、10个二级指标、23个三级指标作为该区水土保持综合治理效益评价指标体系。 (2)丘3区33年的水土保持工作取得了巨大的成绩。截止到2012年,全区水土保持治理措施保存面积达到101.61万hm2,治理程度达到了51.48%。 (3)水土保持是土地整治和江河治理的根本。丘3区1980~2012年各项水保措施累计减少径流31.72亿m3,减少泥沙5.01亿t,为加快区域经济发展、减少入黄泥沙做出了重要贡献。 (4)水土保持是该区人民群众增产增收、脱贫致富的一个重要措施。该区1980~2012年各项水保措施累计产生经济效益为273.95亿元,其中梯田115.16亿元,经济林64.36亿元,水保林48.44亿元及人工种草45.99亿元;粮食总产量达到2012年的215.85万t,增长170.12%,人均产粮达到2012年的410kg/人,增长87.63%;人均收入达到2012年的3553元/人。 (5)水土保持是减轻自然灾害,改善生态环境和促进社会进步的基础。该区1980~2012年累计减少土地蚕食面积0.11万km2,减少洪水14.22亿m3,增加了常水流量2.41亿m3;减少了大量的土壤养分流失,提高了土壤肥力;林草措施吸收了空气中的大量有害物质,净化了空气,改善了生物多样性,植被覆盖度达到了26.60%;同时,提高了土地、劳动生产率,,改善了土地利用结构,调整了农村生产结构,提高了人民生活水平。
[Abstract]:This study takes the third sub-region of loess hilly and gully in Gansu Province (hereinafter referred to as Qiu 3 area) as the research object, taking the statistical data of soil and water conservation measures annual report from 1980 to 2012, the first national water conservancy survey in Gansu Province as the basis, and the "08 national standard" as the guide. The achievements of soil and water conservation, the index system of comprehensive control benefits of soil and water conservation, and the benefits of water transfer, soil conservation, economy, society and ecology are analyzed and studied in Qiu 3 area over the past 30 years. The main conclusions are obtained as follows:. 1) the evaluation index system of comprehensive soil and water conservation benefit in Qiu 3 region is constructed. According to the principle of index selection, combining with the actual situation of nature, society and economy in the study area, Four first class indexes, 10 second class indexes and 23 third grade indexes were determined as the evaluation index system of the comprehensive control benefit of soil and water conservation in this area. By 2012, the area of soil and water conservation measures had reached one million sixteen thousand and one hundred mm ~ 2, and the degree of soil and water conservation had reached 51.48. Soil and water conservation is the foundation of land regulation and river regulation. From 1980 to 2012, the soil and water conservation measures in Qiu 3 area have reduced the runoff by three billion one hundred and seventy-two million m3 and sediment by 501 million t, which has made important contribution to speeding up the development of regional economy and reducing sediment flow into the Yellow River. (4) soil and water conservation is an important measure to increase production and increase income, and to get rid of poverty and become rich in this area. During the period from 1980 to 2012, the cumulative economic benefits of various soil and water conservation measures in this area are twenty-seven billion three hundred and ninety-five million yuan, including eleven billion five hundred and sixteen million yuan for terraced fields and six billion four hundred and thirty-six million yuan for economic forests. The total grain output reached two million one hundred and fifty-eight thousand and five hundred t in 2012, an increase of 170.12 tons, the per capita grain production reached 410 kg / person in 2012, an increase of 87.63 yuan, and the per capita income reached 3 553 yuan per person in 2012. (5) soil and water conservation is the basis for mitigating natural disasters, improving ecological environment and promoting social progress. From 1980 to 2012, the area of land erosion was reduced by 1,100 km2, the flood was reduced by one billion four hundred and twenty-two million m3, the constant water flow was increased by 241 million m3, and a large amount of soil nutrient loss was reduced. Soil fertility has been improved; forest and grass measures have absorbed a large amount of harmful substances in the air, purified the air, improved biodiversity, and vegetation coverage has reached 26.60; at the same time, it has increased land, labor productivity, and improved the structure of land use. The structure of rural production has been adjusted and the living standards of the people have been improved.
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