本文选题:制造业 + 主导产业 ; 参考:《安徽财经大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As the core of the region's industry, the leading industry of a region is the concentrated embodiment of all the resource advantages of this region, and represents the future development direction of the region's industry. At the same time, the leading industry will also radiate to other industries, thus promoting the economic growth of this region, which is an important embodiment of the regional economic characteristics. But the leading industry will change because of the environment of economic development or the adjustment of regional industrial structure. Therefore, timely understanding and evaluation of regional leading industries, grasp the pulse of regional economic development has become a hot topic of domestic and foreign experts and scholars. This paper studies the choice of leading manufacturing industry in Anhui Province. In the research process of this paper, firstly, the related literature of regional leading industries and industrial clusters are reviewed, and on the basis of combing the original literature, Through collating the relevant data of manufacturing industries in Anhui Province from 2000 to 2014, and adopting the method of grey correlation analysis, the author makes a study of the industries within the manufacturing industry. The relationship between the industrial system and the manufacturing industry in Anhui Province and the correlation degree between the manufacturing industry and other industrial industries are compared in order to select and evaluate the leading industries of the manufacturing industry in Anhui Province, and to divide the selected leading industries into industries. In view of the insufficient development of the leading industry, the author hopes to promote the overall economic development of Anhui through the determination of the leading industry. This paper consists of six parts. The first part is the introduction, including the background of the topic, the theoretical and practical significance of the topic, the research ideas and content framework of this paper. Secondly, it reviews the literature, mainly summarizes the related theories and research results of regional leading industries and industrial clusters, expounds the role of leading industries in the development of regional economy, and lays a theoretical foundation for the research of this paper. The third part introduces the development of manufacturing industry in Anhui Province, which is based on the analysis of the development and evolution of leading industries in major industrialized countries and the adjustment process of industrial policies in Anhui Province. This paper analyzes the factors that influence the formation of the leading industry in Anhui Province from the aspects of the present situation of the development of the manufacturing industry itself, environmental factors and comparative advantages. The fourth part is the research design and variables. The related hypotheses of this paper are put forward, and the data sources and research methods are determined. The fifth part is empirical analysis and structural analysis, using grey relation method to demonstrate the hypothesis of this paper, and find out the leading industry of manufacturing industry in Anhui Province. Through the analysis of this paper, we can see that the leading industries in Anhui Province are the instruments and cultural office machinery manufacturing, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, chemical raw materials and products manufacturing, etc. It is divided into four sectors: new technology, equipment manufacturing, resource processing and textile industry. Finally, according to the conclusions and suggestions of the empirical analysis, from the aspects of improving the development environment of leading industries and enhancing the ability of scientific and technological innovation, combined with the specific situation of the development of manufacturing industry in Anhui Province, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions for the development of leading industries. To promote the development of leading manufacturing industries.
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