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发布时间:2018-06-06 01:08

  本文选题:环城游憩带 + 空间布局 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着短线出行的日益增多,人们纷纷将目光投向了新兴的游憩区域——介于城市与乡村之间的广大过渡地带。 呼和浩特市游憩资源众多,交通条件较好,开发环城游憩带的条件已经具备。在人们的游憩需求日益增加,《国民旅游休闲纲要》政策、内蒙古“8337”政策引领的背景条件下,构建呼和浩特市环城游憩带无疑是一件迫在眉睫、惠民造福的事情。 本文以呼和浩特市行政区域内四区(赛罕区、新城区、回民区、玉泉区)二环线以外的广大区域,四县(武川县、和林格尔县、托克托县、清水河县)、一旗(土默特左旗)、一个开发区(呼和浩特经济技术开发区),以及包头市、鄂尔多斯市、乌兰察布市的部分地区作为研究区域,按照既定标准选取游憩地作为研究样本,旨在构建呼和浩特市环城游憩带,并结合相关知识指出重点游憩地的开发方向。 论文共分为七个章节,具体描述如下: 第一章为绪论部分,笔者对本文的研究背景、国内外研究综述、研究思路、方法与研究意义作了阐述。 第二章为相关理论依据,笔者在这一章节对游憩、休闲与旅游的概念进行了辨析,对环城游憩带理论进行了阐释,并对圈层结构理论、区域经济理论、旅游学相关理论及可持续发展理论进行了简单介绍。 第三章,笔者对研究区域的概况进行了描述,并运用SWOT分析法对呼和浩特市发展环城游憩带的条件进行了评价。 第四章为呼和浩特市居民游憩行为特征研究。笔者通过问卷调查的方法对呼和浩特市城市居民的游憩偏好进行了分析,用于指导环城游憩带的开发。 第五章为研究区环城游憩地空间结构特征分析。笔者根据游憩地的资源属性以及游憩活动的性质将游憩地分为自然观光型游憩地、人文观光型游憩地、人工娱乐型游憩地与运动休闲型游憩地四类,分别对其进行城市中心距离分析、游憩地数量与距离关系分析及空间离散程度分析,得出呼和浩特市周边游憩地分布的空间结构特征。 第六章为呼和浩特市环城游憩带的开发研究。笔者在研究区环城游憩地空间结构特征分析的基础上初步构建出包含三个圈层的呼和浩特市环城游憩带,,结合各圈层游憩资源特点及游憩者的游憩偏好对重点游憩产品进行开发,并就呼和浩特市环城游憩带的良性发展提出合理的建议。 第七章对全文进行了总结,并指出了研究中的不足。
[Abstract]:With the increasing number of short term trips, people have turned their eyes to the emerging recreation areas, a vast transitional zone between cities and villages. Hohhot has a large number of recreational resources and good traffic conditions. The conditions for the development of the recreation zone around the city are already in place. Under the background of the increasing demand for recreation, the "National Tourism and Leisure outline" policy and the "8337" policy in Inner Mongolia, it is undoubtedly urgent to construct a recreation belt around the city of Hohhot. Huhhot City administrative district four districts (Saihan District, Xincheng District, Hui District, Yuquan District) outside the second Ring Line, four counties (Wuchuan County, Helinger County, Toctor County, Qingshuihe County, one Banner (Tumert left Banner), one Development Zone (Hohhot Economic and technological Development Zone), and parts of Baotou City, Ordos City, and Ulanchab City as study areas, According to the established standards, recreational sites are selected as the research samples, in order to construct the recreation zone around the city of Hohhot, and point out the development direction of the key recreational places combined with the relevant knowledge. The paper is divided into seven chapters. The specific description is as follows: the first chapter is the introduction part, the author expounds the research background, the domestic and foreign research summary, the research thought, the method and the research significance. The concepts of leisure and tourism are analyzed, the theory of recreation zone around the city is explained, and the theory of circle structure, the theory of regional economy, the theory of tourism and the theory of sustainable development are briefly introduced. The author describes the general situation of the study area and evaluates the conditions for the development of the recreational zone around the city by using SWOT analytical method. Chapter four is the study on the characteristics of the recreational behavior of the residents in Hohhot. The author analyzes the recreational preference of urban residents in Hohhot by means of questionnaire investigation, which is used to guide the development of the recreation zone around the city. Chapter five is the analysis of the spatial structure characteristics of the recreation area around the city in the study area. According to the resource attribute and the nature of recreational activities, the author divides the recreational places into four types: natural sightseeing recreation, humanistic sightseeing recreation, artificial recreation and sports leisure. The analysis of the distance between the city center, the relationship between the number of recreational places and the distance, and the degree of spatial dispersion were carried out respectively. The spatial structure characteristics of the distribution of the recreational areas around Hohhot are obtained. Chapter 6 is the development and study of the recreation zone around the city of Hohhot. Based on the analysis of the spatial structure characteristics of the urban recreation sites around the city in the study area, the author preliminarily constructed the Huhhot City Round-City Recreation Zone, which consists of three circles. Combined with the characteristics of recreational resources and the recreational preferences of recreational users, this paper develops the key recreational products, and puts forward some reasonable suggestions on the benign development of the recreation zone around the city of Hohhot. Chapter 7 summarizes the full text. And pointed out the deficiency in the research.


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