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发布时间:2018-06-06 14:05

  本文选题:民族地区 + 金融支持政策 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:民族是人类历史进程中特定阶段的社会存在形式,它从文化、政治等各个层面影响着经济发展,而经济发展又是民族存在和演化的基础。在我国,少数民族通常指的是除国家中人数最多的民族——汉族以外的民族。近年来,国家高度重视少数民族和少数民族地区的发展,在民族区域自治制度的基础上,给予了少数民族和少数民族地区一系列优惠政策,推动了中国少数民族经济社会事业的发展。 然而,由于少数民族地区多为自然环境恶劣地区,人口、资源禀赋本就不足,又受到历史、文化、宗教等诸多社会因素的影响,相对于我国东、中部发达地区而言,民族地区经济发展仍然处于落后状态,且民族地区内部也存在着巨大的发展差异。在新的发展形势下,我国面临着加快转变经济发展方式、全面建成小康社会的艰巨任务,这都要求进一步推动少数民族和民族地区的经济社会发展。 在加快少数民族地区经济发展的过程中,金融发展的重要性毋庸置疑。在学界看来,金融发展与经济发展存在相互影响、彼此推进的关系。如何选择正确的金融发展模式,如何采取恰当的金融发展方式,如何制定适配的金融支持政策,将是民族地区当前经济发展过程中的重要问题。但是,我国民族地区不同于汉族聚居区,有其独特的历史、宗教、文化等社会因素。这对金融、经济发展过程将产生重要影响,使得其具有一定的复杂性和特殊性。 目前,我国民族地区的金融支持政策相对单一,学界针对民族自治地区金融支持政策研究也相对不足。在民族地区的经济发展过程中,金融支持政策的制定往往缺乏市场导向,呈现出发展模式趋同化,机构、产品单一化的特征。同时,这些政策也很少考虑到民族地区内部发展差异,以及宗教、文化和历史的差别。这势必会弱化金融发展对经济发展的促进作用,甚至形成制约作用。这就需要探讨民族地区金融发展与经济发展的适配问题,即对特定经济发展状态下的民族地区,针对性地选择与之适配的金融支持政策,使金融发展不脱离经济发展水平,并最终推动民族地区经济发展。 本文选择以少数民族地区为研究对象,来分析金融发展与经济发展的适配问题,主要是运用我国民族自治地方的基础数据进行实证分析。首先,通过理论分析和实证研究,证实了当前民族地区金融发展与经济发展存在不适配关系;其次,进一步证实了在民族地区经济发展决定着金融发展,金融发展必须遵循着经济发展的空间分异规律;再次,运用地理学分析方法基于县域尺度对民族地区进行空间关联程度分类;最后,在分类基础上,说明如何运用差异化金融支持政策这一手段达到金融发展与经济发展的适配。 本文分为五个部分,共有八个章节,具体是: 第一部分为绪论和第一章,是本文的研究基础,主要是对本文研究进行一些基本介绍。绪论主要介绍了本文的研究意义和背景,界定了相关研究概念,并对全文的研究思路、内容、结论等进行了描述。第一章就相关文献进行了综述,总结了现有研究视角,发现对民族地区的定量研究不充分、方法较单一,为本文的研究开展提供了很好的依据。 第二部分为相关理论阐述及现状分析,包含第二章和第三章。第二章主要对国内外的相关理论进行阐述,包括区域经济发展理论和发展金融学理论。这些理论为民族地区的经济发展提供了很多借鉴之处,也从侧面为金融支持政策制定提供了参考。第三章分析了民族地区经济发展的现状,回顾了现有支持政策,特别是现有金融、财政支持政策的安排,有利于后文对民族地区金融与经济的适配性探讨。 第三部分为民族地区金融与经济发展适配性研究,包含第四、五章,从理论和实证两个方面证明了二者处于不适配阶段。其中,第四章从理论方面对二者的适配关系进行了分析,阐述了民族地区的适配原则与不适配的表现。第五章从实证方面进一步论证二者的不适配关系,即运用分省域的民族自治地方数据,对民族地区金融发展与经济发展关系进行探讨。实证结果显示,在民族地区经济发展主要决定着金融发展,而金融发展又对经济增长具有制约作用。同时,门槛检验的结果也显示,金融对经济的这种制约作用具有门槛效用。即经济发展在较高水平或较低水平时,这种制约作用相对较小。 第四部分对民族地区经济发展差异性进行研究,将民族地区分成5类区域——扩散型、传染型、凹陷型、极化型和孤岛型(包括不显著),主要内容见第六章。这一部分主要采用的是经济地理学研究方法,运用空间探索数据分析技术对民族地区经济发展空间分异过程进行研究。首先基于分县域的民族自治地方数据,采用民族人口占比、平均海拔、年降水量、年平均气温等指标间接衡量了影响经济发展的社会因素。这些社会因素由各民族地区特有的风俗、文化、宗教等构成,以复合的多层级的指标体系对经济发展水平进行了综合评分。其次使用经济地理研究上常用的工具和方法,本章以县域经济发展水平得分为属性值,分析少数民族地区经济发展的空间分异规律,并由局部空间关联程度对民族地区进行划分。 第五部分包括第七、八章,提出五种有针对性的金融支持政策实现金融与经济的适配——巩固型、稳健型、浇灌型、外溢型和开发型,同时包含本文的主要观点和结论。第七章主要选取了美国、日本、德国等国家或地区的相关经验进行研究,为我国少数民族地区的相关金融支持政策总结出相关经验与教训。在这些经验的基础上,第八章提出实行差异化的的金融支持政策。按照第六章划分出民族地区的五种类型区域,分别实行与之适配的金融支持政策。 本文可能的创新在于:第一,考虑民族地区内部差异,为其提供差异化的金融支持政策选择。民族地区现有金融支持政策趋同化严重,无法实现金融发展与经济发展的适配,因此本文提出金融支持的差异化战略——实行巩固、稳健、浇灌、外溢和开发型金融支持政策,这些不同金融支持政策共同有机的构成了金融支持体系。第二,以民族自治地方数据进行分析,县域尺度测度民族地区经济差异,使研究更为精确。比起以往文献中常以5大自治区、或多民族省份为研究对象,本文采用民族自治地方的数据进行研究、分析,既具有区域概念,又具有政治内涵。同时以县域为尺度,将与民族相关的社会属性纳入考量,进行大量数据处理,使得研究更加精确。第三,跨学科运用多元化的方法及工具,探讨民族地区发展问题,完善现有研究视角。本文在实证研究的过程中,既运用到计量经济学的方法进行面板数据分析,又使用了经济地理学的探索性空间数据分析(DESA),得出一些可靠的实证结论。同时,用GeoDa软件实现了民族地区各类型区域的划分与识别。
[Abstract]:In recent years , the state attaches great importance to the development of national minorities and minority areas , and has given a series of preferential policies to ethnic minorities and minority areas on the basis of the regional autonomy system , which has promoted the development of the economic and social undertakings of ethnic minorities in China .

However , because the minority nationality areas are the poor areas of the natural environment , the population and the resource endowment are insufficient , and are influenced by many social factors such as history , culture and religion . In the developed regions of China , the economic development of the minority areas is still in a backward state , and there are huge differences in development in the national regions . In the new development situation , China is facing the arduous task of accelerating the transformation of the economic development mode and building a well - off society in a comprehensive way , which demands further promotion of the economic and social development of ethnic minorities and ethnic areas .

In the process of speeding up the economic development of ethnic minority areas , the importance of financial development is no doubt . In the view of academic circles , the relationship between financial development and economic development has mutual influence . How to choose the correct financial development mode , how to adopt proper financial development mode , how to formulate the adapted financial support policy will be the important problem in the current economic development of ethnic regions . However , the process of development of financial and economic development will have important influence on the financial and economic development process , so that it has certain complexity and particularity .

At present , the financial support policy of ethnic minority areas is relatively single , and the study of financial support policy is relatively insufficient in the academic circle . In the process of national economy development , the development of financial support policy often lacks market guidance , and the differences of religion , culture and history are taken into account .

This paper chooses to study the adaptation problem of financial development and economic development by taking minority areas as the research object , mainly through the empirical analysis of the basic data of national autonomous areas in our country . First , through theoretical analysis and empirical research , it is proved that there is no adaptation relation between financial development and economic development in the current ethnic region ;
Secondly , it is further confirmed that the economic development in the minority areas determines the financial development , and the financial development must abide by the spatial diversity of the economic development ;
Thirdly , applying the geography analysis method to classify the spatial correlation degree based on the county scale ;
Finally , on the basis of classification , how to apply differentiated financial support policy to achieve the adaptation of financial development and economic development .

This article is divided into five parts , with eight chapters , in particular :

The first part is the introduction and the first chapter . It is the research foundation of this paper , which mainly introduces the research significance and background of this paper . The introduction mainly introduces the research significance and the background , defines the relevant research concept , summarizes the research thoughts , contents and conclusions of the whole text . Chapter one summarizes the current research perspective , finds out that the quantitative research in the minority areas is insufficient , the method is relatively simple , and provides a good basis for the study of this paper .

The second part describes the relevant theories and the present situation analysis , including the second chapter and the third chapter . The second chapter mainly expounds the relevant theories at home and abroad , including the theory of regional economic development and the development finance theory .

The third part studies the adaptation of financial and economic development in the minority areas , including the fourth chapter , the fifth chapter , from both the theory and the positive aspects to prove that the two are in the non - adaptation stage . The fourth chapter discusses the adaptation principle and the non - adaptation of the ethnic region .

The fourth part studies the differences of economic development in the minority areas , and divides the ethnic areas into five types of regional _ diffusion , infectious , concave , polarized and isolated islands ( including not significant ) . This part mainly adopts the economic geography research method , uses spatial exploration data analysis technology to comprehensively grade the economic development level . Secondly , this chapter takes county economic development level as attribute value , analyzes the spatial diversity law of economic development in the minority areas , and divides the ethnic areas by the degree of local spatial correlation .

The fifth part includes five chapters , eight chapters , five kinds of targeted financial support policies to realize the adaptation of finance and economy _ consolidation type , stable type , pouring type , overflow type and development type , including the main viewpoints and conclusions of this paper . Chapter 7 mainly selects the relevant experience and lessons of relevant financial support policy in the minority areas of our country . On the basis of these experiences , Chapter 8 puts forward the financial support policy of differentiation . According to the sixth chapter , we divided the five types of regions in the minority areas , and carry out the financial support policy which is adapted to them .

Based on the analysis of the local data of national autonomous region , this paper studies and analyses the social attributes of ethnic autonomous areas , and makes the research more accurate .


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