本文选题:长三角 + 花卉园艺展览 ; 参考:《浙江农林大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着我国社会的进步和经济的发展,国内各种类型的花卉园艺展览不断涌现。长三角地区作为中国区域经济发展的中心地带,花卉产业发展迅速,花卉园艺展日渐增多。本论文通过实地调查结合相关的资料对长三角地区的花卉园艺展览现状进行总结分析,同时与国外优秀花卉园艺展进行对比。针对研究结果,提出相应的建议,为今后长三角相关花卉园艺展览及花卉产业的发展提供新思路。主要研究结果如下: 1.通过查阅相关的文献资料和收集大量的互联网数据,对长三角地区近五年内已举行的227次花卉园艺展览进行全面的统计分析,从空间分布、时间分布、届数分布、规模组成、花卉主题、举办场地等方面进行对该地区花卉园艺展览进行系统的梳理,数据显示长三角地区花卉园艺展范围广、增长快、历史短,部分地区呈粗放型增长,,与经济发展、花卉产业、旅游资源三者有一定的关联性。 2.对长三角地区代表性的园艺花卉展览进行实地调研,选取萧山花木节、第八届中国花卉博览会、上海国际花卉园艺展览会等具体案例进行深度剖析。结合数据分析,总结该地区花卉园艺展现状为:政府主导为主,进行市场化探索;宣传方式多样,网络推广模式基本形成;传统场地为主,新类型的不断涌现;综合性展览更加全面,专业性展览应运而生;展览数量增长快,家庭园艺理念凸显。 3.分析英国切尔西花展、德国IPM植物展两个国际优秀花卉园艺展览展会的特点与成功经验,从园艺基础背景、布展形式、植物品种、会展人才等方面比较两者之间的差距,归纳总结,提出了加强区域内交流,形成品牌性展览;加快高素质会展人才培养,培养适合长三角地区的专业会展人才;提高花卉品种创新能力,打造自主品牌花卉;推行新颖多样的布展形式,提高观众的互动性和参与性;建立专业会展网站,及时提供全面准确的信息等几点建议。
[Abstract]:With the progress of our society and the development of economy, various kinds of flower horticultural exhibitions are emerging. As the center of China's regional economic development, the Yangtze River Delta region has a rapid development of flower industry and an increasing number of flower horticultural exhibitions. This paper summarizes and analyzes the present situation of flower horticultural exhibition in Yangtze River Delta area by field investigation, and compares it with foreign excellent flower horticultural exhibition. According to the research results, the corresponding suggestions are put forward to provide new ideas for the future development of flower horticultural exhibition and flower industry in the Yangtze River Delta. The main findings are as follows: 1. By consulting the relevant literature and collecting a large amount of Internet data, the author makes a comprehensive statistical analysis of 227 flower horticultural exhibitions held in the Yangtze River Delta region in the past five years. The statistical analysis is carried out from the spatial distribution, the time distribution, the number distribution, and the composition of the scale. The flower theme, venue and other aspects of the flower horticultural exhibition in this area are systematically combed. The data show that the flower horticultural exhibition in the Yangtze River Delta region has a wide range, rapid growth, short history, extensive growth in some areas, and economic development. Flower industry, tourism resources have certain relevance. 2. This paper makes a field investigation on the typical horticultural flower exhibition in the Yangtze River Delta region, and analyzes in depth some specific cases, such as Xiaoshan Flower Festival, the 8th China Flower Fair, Shanghai International Flower Horticultural Exhibition and so on. Based on the analysis of data, this paper summarizes the current situation of flower horticultural exhibition in this area as follows: government leading, market-oriented exploration, various propaganda methods, basic network promotion mode, traditional site as the main, and new types emerging constantly; The comprehensive exhibition is more comprehensive, the specialized exhibition arises at the historic moment; the number of exhibitions increases rapidly, and the family gardening concept is prominent. 3. This paper analyzes the characteristics and successful experiences of the two international excellent flower and horticultural exhibitions such as Chelsea Flower Show in England and IPM Plant Show in Germany, and compares the gap between them from the aspects of horticultural background, exhibition form, plant varieties, exhibition talents, etc. Summing up and summing up, it is proposed to strengthen the regional communication and form the brand exhibition, to speed up the training of high-quality exhibition talents, to train the professional exhibition talents suitable for the Yangtze River Delta region, to improve the innovation ability of flower varieties, and to create the independent brand flowers and plants. Some suggestions are put forward to promote the interaction and participation of the audience, to establish a professional exhibition website and to provide comprehensive and accurate information in time.
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