[Abstract]:The number of years of employment is closely related to life expectancy, labor intensity and years of education. However, with the increase of life expectancy, the continuous increase of education years and the decrease of labor intensity, the number of years of employment in our country has not been adjusted accordingly in recent years. With the change of population structure and the increasing pension gap, the pension balance is facing a great challenge, so it has become an inevitable trend to extend the number of years of employment of the population. The retirement age is a basic factor in determining the level of pension burden. When the average life expectancy and the level of security are constant, the retirement age is raised, the average period of enjoying pension is shortened, and the total burden of pension payment can be reduced. At present, the trend of adjusting the number of years of employment is mainly aimed at the retirement age, such as extending the retirement age or extending the retirement age flexibly. Different schemes have different effects on pension fund balance because of their adjustment degree, depth and breadth. This paper is based on the current social background of population aging and development, combined with the current situation of life expectancy, the extension of education years and the reduction of labor intensity in China. This paper mainly studies the effects of adjusting the number of years of employment of the population on pension balance from the following aspects: (1) considering the situation of population structure, life span, years of education and so on, this paper analyzes the influence and significance of adjusting the number of years of employment of the population. It also defines the relevant concepts and analyzes the existing viewpoints of adjusting the number of years of employment of the population; (2) the comparative analysis of the number of years of employment of the adjusted population at home and abroad; (3) based on the forecast of the population structure of 31 provinces and cities in China, Through cluster analysis of all provinces and cities in China, 31 provinces and cities are classified according to the clustering results. (4) the sensitivity analysis of typical cities is carried out through clustering. Through the empirical study of the impact of adjusting the number of years of employment on the pension balance; (5) based on the level of regional economic development and sensitivity analysis; (6) empirical analysis results, This paper puts forward some policy suggestions to solve the pension financial problems by adjusting the number of years of employment of the population. On the basis of strict actuarial and large amount of data, this paper expounds that adjusting the number of years of employment of the population is an effective way to solve the financial difficulties caused by aging pension. By means of cluster analysis and regional economic division, based on the structure of insured population and the income and expenditure of pension, the sensitivity analysis is carried out, so as to study comprehensively the influence of population employment years adjustment on pension balance. Under the conditions of economic level and employment market, the author puts forward some suggestions, such as regionalizing retirement age, adjusting female retirement age and adjusting retirement age in many ways.
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