[Abstract]:In recent years, the development of traditional railways is far from meeting the needs of various industries for a comprehensive transport system, and the Chinese government is increasing planning and investment in the high-speed rail industry. The existing high-speed rail network, together with the rapid passenger transport network of other railways, has promoted the spatial layout of the industry, accelerated the adjustment of the industrial structure, increased the employment rate, and increased the efficiency of regional allocation of labor, capital, natural resources, etc. Promote the coordinated development of regional economy. It is necessary and important to comprehensively assess the impact of investment in high-speed rail construction on the national economy and the environment in China at a time when the Chinese government is making great efforts to build a high-speed rail network. Based on the input-output table of China in 2012, using input-output technology and econometrics model, this paper recharacterizes the endogenetic relationship between "income and consumption" of rural residents and urban residents in the input-output model. This paper distinguishes the difference between high-speed railway and traditional railway in production structure and investment structure, constructs a local closed model of high-speed rail investment based on local biochemistry of residents' consumption, and evaluates the economic impact of high-speed rail investment in China. The short-term effects of employment and the energy environment. The results show that: 1in 2012, the total output of China's high-speed rail investment increased by 372 million yuan per 100 million yuan and the total output of the total investment increased by 121 million yuan. The total investment volume brought a total output growth of 1.937344 trillion yuan to the national economy and 629.604 billion yuan of GDP growth at the same time as the economic growth. Investment in high-speed rail has contributed significantly to employment, creating 1,084 jobs per billion yuan of high-speed rail investment, up from 5.6523 million jobs created in 2012 as a result of investment in high-speed rail. This means that in the short term, investment in high-speed rail construction in China will inject strong power into the environment in terms of socio-economic development, employment promotion, and so on, with a total of 83.42 Mt CO2 emissions generated by the pre-rail infrastructure in 2012. It is a little larger than the traditional railway investment, but considering the characteristics of clean, stable and high-speed railway, the advantages of high-speed rail investment in environmental level will gradually emerge.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所能源与环境政策研究中心;北京航空航天大学经济管理学院;对外经济贸易大学统计学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目“我国低碳发展战略对我国各区域在全球产业链分工的影响研究”(批准号:71573248);国家自然科学基金国际重大合作项目“我国统一碳市场建立的条件、机制设计与社会经济影响分析”(批准号:71210005) 国家统计局2012投入产出研究课题重点资助项目“中国高铁投资对经济、就业和能源环境的短期效应综合评估研究”(批准号:IO12-ZD07) 中国企业“走出去”协同创新中心科研项目(批准号:201504YY006A)
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