[Abstract]:Urbanization is a basic problem in China's modernization process. Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid economic and social development, China's urban population continues to expand, the urbanization rate was 17.9 in 1978, and reached 53.7 in 2013. Urbanization has entered an accelerated path. The urbanization of more than 1 billion Chinese population has reached a global consensus on the importance of changing the global economic structure and achieving balanced development of the world economy. However, the development of urbanization in China lags behind industrialization, overdependence on land, labor force and other factors driving, "urban bias" development model, which in recent years has continued to expand the gap between urban and rural areas, insufficient domestic demand and overcapacity. Regional high imbalance, agricultural modernization lags behind, growth is not sustainable and a series of problems and contradictions. The economic meaning of urbanization can be explained as that the factors of production gather to the increasing space of scale, through the specialization division of labor, elongate the production chain, produce the effect of employment and market capacity continuously and mutually amplify, and promote industrial technological progress and economic growth. At present, the first reform dividend of our country has disappeared, and the various factors restricting the healthy operation of the economy have been entangled in a concentrated outbreak, and it is urgent to push forward the strategic adjustment of the economic structure. The important method of structural transformation is to promote urbanization through further reform. Urbanization appeared seven times in the report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which fully shows that in our country industrialization has been preliminarily completed, the economy is in urgent need of transformation, and the big strategy of urbanization will bear the historical responsibility of breaking through the dual system and promoting the realization of industrial and agricultural modernization. At present, the disparity of regional economic development level determines the complexity of urbanization. As a system engineering, how to effectively advance the strategy and whether it can successfully realize the transformation and development of urbanization requires a systematic and in-depth statistical study to provide data support for market selection and reform decisions. This study establishes the regional urbanization comprehensive strength measure system, which is used to systematically reflect, monitor and evaluate the development status of urbanization in the past 20 years, and clarify the advantages and disadvantages of the regional economies in the implementation of urbanization. In order to break the bottleneck, optimize the quality of urbanization to provide a quantitative interface. The specific research work mainly revolves around: the theoretical analysis frame of urbanization advancement, the design of comprehensive propulsion strength measurement system, the total index of urbanization advance and the measurement and evaluation analysis of the determinants of urbanization, and so on.
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