[Abstract]:In the four provinces of northern Anhui, northern Jiangsu, southwest Shandong and southeast Henan, there are sand and ginger black soil mainly in Huaibei Plain, and wind-sand saline-alkali land in the Yellow River flood area, which is prone to drought and waterlogging. The area of low-yield fields is more than 4 million hm~2. Although the Huang-Huainan plate in the north-south transitional zone has good natural resources conditions such as warm, hot and precipitation, it is relatively backward in the development of science, technology, culture and social economy because of the remoteness of geography and the inconvenience of transportation, and the potential of high yield of agriculture has not been brought into full play. Accelerating the transformation of middle and low yield fields in Huang-Huainan tablets and constructing the second granary of Huang-Huainan tablet can increase the grain 5 billion kg, and play an important role in the development of regional modern agriculture and the guarantee of food security in China. According to the development situation of modern agriculture with climate warming and green quality raising, increasing yield and increasing efficiency, the following modern agricultural development strategies are put forward: in planting, the first is to cultivate wheat varieties resistant to scab. Comprehensive control measures were used to reduce the harm of wheat scab. The second is to cultivate new maize varieties with drought tolerance, fast dehydration and mechanized grain harvesting, and the third is to expand the construction of tons of grain fields to ensure the safety of Huang-Huainan tablets and national grain. In the area of regional management, we should focus on the transformation of sand and ginger black soil in Huaibei, wind-sand and saline-alkali fields in the flooded areas of the Yellow River and other low-yielding fields in drought-prone and waterlogged areas, strengthen the basic input of farmland drainage and irrigation system, and build high standard farmland for drought and waterlogging conservation, forest network and power supply for canal wells. In the field of modern scientific and technological equipment, it is necessary to increase the subsidy of agricultural machinery, increase the number of large and medium-sized agricultural machinery, strengthen the demonstration and popularization of deep digging and deep loosening agricultural machinery, and popularize the mechanization of the whole course of farming. In the aspect of improving quality and increasing efficiency, we should actively implement chemical fertilizer and pesticide reduction, expand the application of environment-friendly green bio-fertilizer preparation, and strengthen the recycling and efficient utilization of straw returning to the field and biological resources. In science and technology education, we should expand the scale of vocational education, train knowledge farmers, professional service workers, and build a professional team of socialized services. In terms of regional economic development, it is necessary to strengthen and expand grain brand production in northern Anhui, to make large-scale grain production in northern Jiangsu and to cultivate modern new industries, and to do a good job in the coordinated and efficient development of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry in the southwest of Shandong Province. Build the flagship of Chinese food processing in southeastern Henan. In the aspect of agricultural informatization construction, the popularization of "Internet" agriculture should be increased, and the rapid development of order agriculture, export agriculture and sightseeing agriculture will be promoted. It is suggested that the state should start the key science and technology project of the second granary of Huang-Huainan tablet as soon as possible, and build the main grain production area and the economic collapse area of the Huang-Huainan slice into the main state granary, the new agricultural economy area and the sustainable development area with beautiful environment.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所农业资源研究中心;中国科学院科技促进发展局;安徽省同丰种业;
【基金】:“粮丰工程”重点专项(2016YFD0300105) 中国科学院科技服务网络计划(STS计划)项目(KFJ-EW-STS-083)资助~~
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