本文关键词:产业结构升级中的就业效应分析 出处:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 产业结构 就业结构 比较劳动生产率 结构偏离度
[Abstract]:There is a relationship between industrial structure upgrading and labor force employment, which affects economic development together. Industrial structure upgrading not only promotes the rapid development of economy, but also brings employment problems. Mainly reflected in the industrial structure and employment structure of the two changes in the inconsistency, the total employment growth rate is obviously slow. How to consider the industrial structure and employment structure together and make the two work together is not only the research hotspot of our country's current theoretical circle. According to the theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign economists, this paper further discusses the relationship between industrial structure and employment structure. The coordinated development of the two provides a huge impetus for the economy. However, due to the system, education, population and other aspects of the impact. So that they may not be able to maintain a better coordination. When the industrial structure and employment structure presents a serious departure, the industrial structure is slow to upgrade, unemployment. The industrial structure upgrading is closely related to the employment of labor force. The change of industrial development leads to the change of labor force employment, when the center of industrial development shifts. The employment of labor force will change with it. In the face of the difficulty of employment and the difficulty of employment, the change of industrial structure and employment structure has a negative impact on economic development and employment stability, which is a realistic problem in our country. On the premise of theoretical analysis, this paper explores the present situation, problems and causes of employment in China's industrial structure upgrading by comparing labor productivity and structural deviation. The empirical results show that the proportion of primary industry output value is cointegrated with the employment rate of the three industries, and it is positively related to the employment rate of the first industry. There is a negative correlation with the employment rate of the second and third industries, and the growth of the proportion of the primary industry has less promoting effect on the employment rate of the first industry than on the total employment rate of the second and third industries, so the proportion of the primary industry should be reduced. The proportion of the output value of the second industry is negative cointegration with the employment rate of the first industry, and the employment rate of the second and third industries is positive cointegration. There is a negative cointegration relationship between the proportion of the tertiary industry output value and the employment rate of the primary industry, and a positive co-integration relationship with the employment rate of the second and third industries. Finally, according to the conclusion of the historical situation analysis, from the technical progress, vigorously develop the tertiary industry, promote the construction of new countryside. Education and other aspects of industrial structure upgrading and employment structure adjustment coordinated together to promote economic development policy recommendations.
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