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  本文关键词:居民收入分配差距与经济增长关系的实证分析 出处:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 收入分配 经济增长 实证分析

【摘要】:在经济学研究领域,国内外经济学家们对居民收入分配与经济增长之间的关系的关注度越来越高。但到目前为止经济理论界对收入分配与经济增长之间究竟是一种什么样的关系,尚未给出一个令人满意和符合现实数据的解释,所以对收入分配与经济增长之间的实际冲突和矛盾就无法提供有针对性和有效的解决问题的政策思路。故此根据当前实际的经济发展状况以及经济政策环境变化,同时运用严谨的研究方法以及科学的思维方式对此问题做深入的分析和探讨是十分有必要的。 改革开放以来,我国的居民收入分配制度进行了一系列的深入变革,由“以按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存”的收入分配方式渐渐取代了计划经济体制下的极端平均主义的收入分配方式。改革后的收入分配制度打破了收入分配极端平均主义的基本格局,这极大激发了广大人民群众的劳动积极性,促使经济迅速增长,但同时我国居民收入分配差距却不断增大。收入差距的持续增大对我国经济和社会发展产生的消极影响日益增大,在社会各界引起了广泛的关注。 本文在对国内外相关研究进行梳理的后,对收入分配与经济增长之间的关系进行了理论分析后,发现两者是互相促进、互相影响、互相制约的动态的有机关系。同时,理论联系实际,首先对我国居民收入分配状况进行了客观的描述,接下来,又对中国的收入分配差距与经济增长之间的关系进行了实证分析。中国的居民收入分配差距与经济增长之间究竟会存在怎样的关系呢?笔者对中国的收入分配差距(以基尼系数为衡量标准)与经济增长(按1978年的GDP为基数算出的GDP指数)进行平稳性检验、协整关系检验以及格兰杰因果检验,然后建立了ECM模型,在得出两者之间存在因果关系后又对两者之间的关系进行了脉冲函数响应分析。实证分析后得出的结论是:中国的收入分配差距和经济增长之间存在着一种协整关系,对这种协整关系进行进一步验证时发现,收入分配差距与经济增长之间的协整关系是一种双向因果关系。总的来说,我国居民收入分配差距与经济增长的关系有两个特点:一是居民收入分配差距增大对经济增长的影响是先促进后抑制。经济发展初期需要扩大居民收入差距来调动人们创造财富的积极性,从而促进经济增长,随着经济发展,居民收入差距的增大对经济的增长反而会起到抑制作用;二是经济增长对收入分配差距的改善效应弱于增大效应。所以在前文理论分析分析的基础上,结合我国当前的实际情况,提出了关于改善我国经济增长与收入分配之间关系的相关政策建议。
[Abstract]:In the field of economics. Economists at home and abroad pay more and more attention to the relationship between income distribution and economic growth. A satisfactory and realistic explanation has not yet been given. Therefore, the actual conflict and contradiction between income distribution and economic growth can not provide a targeted and effective policy thinking to solve the problem. Therefore, according to the current actual economic development situation and economic policy environment changes. . At the same time, it is necessary to make a thorough analysis and discussion on this problem by using rigorous research methods and scientific thinking methods. Since the reform and opening up, China's income distribution system has undergone a series of in-depth changes, from "distribution according to work" as the main body. Multiple ways of distribution coexist. " The reform of the income distribution system broke the basic pattern of extreme equalitarianism of income distribution. This has greatly stimulated the working enthusiasm of the broad masses of the people and promoted the rapid growth of the economy. However, at the same time, the income distribution gap of our country is increasing, and the negative influence of the income gap on the economic and social development of our country is increasing day by day, which has aroused widespread concern in all walks of life. After combing the related studies at home and abroad, this paper makes a theoretical analysis of the relationship between income distribution and economic growth, and finds that the two promote each other and influence each other. The dynamic organic relationship of mutual restriction. At the same time, combining theory with practice, this paper firstly describes the income distribution of Chinese residents objectively, then. The relationship between income distribution gap and economic growth in China is analyzed empirically. What is the relationship between income distribution gap and economic growth in China? The author tests the income distribution gap (measured by Gini coefficient) and economic growth (GDP index calculated on the basis of GDP in 1978). Cointegration test and Granger causality test are used to establish ECM model. After obtaining the causality between the two, the impulse function response analysis of the relationship between the two is carried out. The conclusion of the empirical analysis is as follows:. There is a cointegration relationship between income distribution gap and economic growth in China. It is found that the co-integration relationship between income distribution gap and economic growth is a two-way causality. The relationship between income distribution gap and economic growth in China has two characteristics:. First, the impact of increasing income distribution gap on economic growth is to first promote and then suppress. In the early stage of economic development, it is necessary to expand the income gap to mobilize the enthusiasm of people to create wealth. In order to promote economic growth, with the economic development, the increase of income gap will inhibit the economic growth; Second, the improvement effect of economic growth on income distribution gap is weaker than that of increasing effect. So on the basis of the previous theoretical analysis, combined with the current situation of our country. Some policy suggestions on improving the relationship between economic growth and income distribution in China are put forward.


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