本文关键词:中原经济区省辖市成长能力评价 出处:《河南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:经济全球化和区域化已成为当今世界经济发展的主流趋势,随着经济全球化进程的不断加速,一些经济发展水平比较接近的地区组成了经济区域,开始占据其经济发展的主流。随着我国区域发展格局的变化,中原经济区已成为区域发展研究领域的热点之一;中原经济区,作为一个新兴研究区域,,是河南振兴、中原崛起与富民强省的载体和平台,是区域协调发展的必然选择。 本文在国内外相关概念和理论方法等方面研究的基础上,首先,对成长能力概念进行剖析和定义。其次,构建适合中原经济区发展的省辖市成长能力综合评价指标体系;从城市成长基础、成长实力、成长潜力和成长环境四个方面进行分析研究。最后,利用主成分分析法和聚类分析法,并结合中原经济区各个城市的实际情况,对中原经济区30个省辖市2002-2011年的成长能力进行时空对比分析,并根据其分析结果,对其存在的问题提出相对策略,不断提升其成长能力。 本文研究的目的是通过对成长能力的理论研究和评价指标体系的构建,探索适宜中原经济区健康、快速、高效成长的模式。通过分析各个城市成长中遇到的优势、劣势、机遇与挑战,提出相应的解决对策,为今后提升中原经济区成长能力提供相应的指导意见。 本文从7个部分对中原经济区30个省辖市的成长能力进行了系统研究,其研究的基本思路是: 第一部分,阐述文章的研究背景和意义、研究思路和内容、研究方法和技术路线等。 第二部分,对国内外研究进行述评。 第三部分,中原经济区省辖市成长能力评价指标体系构建与评价方法研究。在对国内外城市成长能力概念研究的基础上,分析中原经济区成长能力的构成指标;从成长实力、成长潜力、成长基础、成长环境四个方面构建中原经济区城市成长能力评价指标体系,分析各个指标的内在含义及其所反映的问题。 第四部分,基于主成分分析法的中原经济区省辖市成长能力研究。对中原经济区30个省辖市的成长能力进行综合研究,运用主成分分析法对其进行成长能力状况分析。 第五部分,基于系统聚类法的中原经济区省辖市成长能力研究。提取特殊年份进行单独研究分析,并对其动态变化趋势做进一步研究。 第六部分,提升中原经济区省辖市成长能力的对策建议。针对第四、五部分的分析结果,从不同角度提出中原经济区省辖市实现高效成长的有效方案;针对不同城市,对当前成长中存在的问题采取有效的手段进行解决,并指出其未来可能的发展方向。 第七部分,全文结论与研究展望。主要对全文的主要研究内容进行归纳、总结,指出文章可能的创新点与不足之处,并对未来相关研究进行展望。
[Abstract]:Economic globalization and regionalization have become the mainstream trend of economic development in the world. With the acceleration of economic globalization, some areas with close economic development level have formed economic regions. With the change of the regional development pattern in China, the Central Plains Economic Zone has become one of the hot spots in the research field of regional development. As a new research region, the Central Plains Economic Zone is the carrier and platform for Henan's revitalization, the rise of Central Plains and the prosperity of the people and the strong provinces, which is the inevitable choice for the coordinated development of the region. Based on the research of related concepts and theoretical methods at home and abroad, this paper firstly analyzes and defines the concept of growth ability. Constructing the comprehensive evaluation index system of the growth ability of the provinces and municipalities suitable for the development of the Central Plains Economic Zone; From the city growth basis, growth strength, growth potential and growth environment four aspects of analysis. Finally, the use of principal component analysis and cluster analysis, and combined with the Central Plains Economic Zone of the actual situation of each city. The growth ability of 30 provinces and municipalities in the Central Plains Economic Zone from 2002 to 2011 was compared and analyzed. According to the results of the analysis, the relative strategies were put forward to improve the growth ability of the 30 provinces and municipalities in the Central Plains Economic Zone. The purpose of this study is to explore the fitness and speed of the Central Plains Economic Zone through the theoretical research on the growth ability and the construction of the evaluation index system. Through the analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges encountered in the growth of each city, the corresponding countermeasures are put forward to provide corresponding guidance for improving the growth ability of the Central Plains Economic Zone in the future. This paper makes a systematic study on the growth ability of 30 provinces and municipalities in the Central Plains Economic Zone from 7 parts. The basic ideas of the research are as follows: The first part describes the research background and significance, research ideas and contents, research methods and technical routes. The second part reviews the research at home and abroad. The third part, the construction and evaluation method of the evaluation index system of the growth ability of the Central Plains Economic Zone, on the basis of the research on the concept of urban growth ability at home and abroad. Analysis of the Central Plains Economic Zone growth capacity of the composition of indicators; From the four aspects of growth strength, growth potential, growth foundation and growth environment, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of urban growth ability in Central Plains Economic Zone, and analyzes the inherent meaning of each index and the problems it reflects. Part 4th, based on the principal component analysis of the growth capacity of the Central Plains Economic Zone of the provincial municipalities, the growth of the Central Plains Economic Zone of 30 provinces and municipalities for a comprehensive study. Principal component analysis was used to analyze its growth ability. In the 5th part, based on the systematic clustering method, the growth ability of the provinces and municipalities in the Central Plains Economic Zone is studied and analyzed separately in the special year, and the dynamic change trend is further studied. Part 6th, the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the growth ability of the Central Plains Economic Zone. According to the analysis results of 4th and five parts, this paper puts forward an effective plan to realize the efficient growth of the Central Plains Economic Zone province from different angles. Aiming at different cities, this paper takes effective measures to solve the problems existing in the current growth, and points out the possible development direction in the future. In the 7th part, the conclusion and research prospect of the paper are summarized, the main research contents are summarized, the possible innovations and shortcomings of the article are pointed out, and the future related research is prospected.
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