本文关键词:河南省人口结构对产业结构的影响研究 出处:《西华师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The transformation of the mode of economic development has attracted much attention, the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure is an important driving force for economic development. China is in an important period of economic transformation, the degree of the industrial structure optimization directly affects the economic development trend. As the economic development of the basic elements, there is a complex interaction mechanism between population structure and industrial structure. For a long time, China's population has been an important advantage to attract foreign investment, but with the gradual disappearance of the arrival of the era of aging, the demographic dividend advantage, the number of China's labor force by adequate steering shortages, rising labor costs, which will hinder the upgrade of industrial structure in China. How much is not decided is the only standard of population structure of the population, but should proceed from the internal factors of population structure, optimize the population structure, and make the current production Industry structure adjustment to adapt, to promote sound and rapid development of China's economy. Henan province is China's most populous province, grain output accounted for the vast proportion, play a key role in the rise of central China, traffic location, Henan province contribution in the development of national economy. But there are many hidden dangers in Henan province. In the process of economic development by the end of 2014, the proportion of the rural population is 45.23%, while the proportion of rural population in Henan province was 54.8%, far higher than the national average, in addition to Gansu, Yunnan, Guizhou and Tibet area, Henan province in the rural population of Henan Province, in addition to the problem of aging has become increasingly prominent, aging the degree of intensification, low educational level of the labor force problem is more serious. Since the reform and opening up, although Henan province has made a historic breakthrough in the industrial structure, but in other provinces is still a big gap, and The population structure is not reasonable, resulting in the Henan Province, the overall economic level is not high, only the upgrading and optimization of rational population structure is helpful to the industrial structure, to promote the healthy development of the economy. This article through to the Henan Province industrial structure and population structure analysis, find out the influence of population structure on the mechanism of the upgrading of industrial structure and upgrading the industrial structure of Henan Province, to provide reference to promote economic development, and puts forward the corresponding policy recommendations. This paper mainly includes the following parts: the first chapter: introduction. The research background of this paper, choose the topic and the significance of the topic, research and collation of domestic and foreign scholars on the relationship between industrial structure and population structure the literature, research content and briefly introduces the research methods and innovations and deficiencies; the second chapter: the introduction of related theories. It mainly includes population structure and related The industrial structure theory, and the definition of the industrial structure; the third chapter: the analysis of Henan province population structure status and structure status of industry. Mainly from the population structure of Henan Province in the urban and rural structure, age structure, cultural structure and industrial structure to analyze the current situation of population structure. To analyze the current situation of the industrial structure from the present situation of the three major industries of Henan province and industrial upgrading situation; the fourth chapter: the empirical analysis of the influence of population structure in Henan Province on the upgrading of the industrial structure. The econometric analysis through a series of related data, influence of population structure in Henan Province on the upgrading of the industrial structure. The fifth chapter: the related policy suggestions. In the theoretical analysis and empirical analysis based on the proposed upgrade the policy suggestion to the industrial structure of Henan province from the perspective of population structure.
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