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发布时间:2018-01-05 09:44

  本文关键词:金融市场条件下FDI对经济增长的影响分析 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: FDI 经济增长 金融市场

【摘要】:近年来,随着中国改革开放的日益深入以及全球经济联系的日益密切,中国的发展越来越受到世界各地的关注,进入我国的外商直接投资不断X椉樱夜蚜嗄瓿晌澜绲诙笸馍讨苯油蹲柿魅牍龃斡诿拦DI作为一种资源,理论上是可以促进东道主国家的经济增长的,但是其吸收效果会受到诸多因素的影响,其中,金融市场的发展程度就是一个很重要的因素。那么金融市场对FDI的流入有着怎样的影响以及金融市场对FDI的引进吸收有着如何的影响及影响程度如何呢?而且近年来我国经济增长速度呈现一定程度的减缓,这就要求处于转型阵痛期的我们在提高FDI引入“量”的同时也要努力实现FDI利用“质”的提高,,即提高FDI吸收效率。本文将试图对此加以研究并对此提出针对性的完善发展我国金融市场的政策建议。 FDI对经济增长的影响主要通过两方面发生作用:一是资本积累效应,通过提供资本这一基础性生产要素,直接促进经济增长;二是技术溢出效应,通过技术的转移、扩散与吸收,间接促进经济增长。这两个路径有赖于东道国自身的吸收能力,而这一能力受到该国金融市场的发展水平的重大影响。本文第一章对国内外相关研究和文献的梳理;第二章简单介绍了相关的概念与理论,如FDI含义、内生经济增长理论以及金融市场等理论;第三章着重分析东道国金融市场发展对FDI与经济增长影响的作用机制。并在此基础上进行两个层面上的实证分析:第四章对1984-2012年中国自身时间序列数据的回归分析,研究分析我国金融市场发展条件下FDI对于经济增长的影响;第五章利用面板数据模型对不同金融市场条件下FDI对经济增长影响的进行国际间对比分析,研究分析不同国家或地区之间的个体和结构性差异。第六章根据我国的实际情况提出针对性的政策建议。 本文根据实证分析的结论给出相应的政策建议:我国应首先继续大力吸引FDI流入保持FDI流入“量”的稳步提升。其次拓宽企业融资渠道,完善发展金融市场,为FDI创造一个更加良好的金融环境。发展为中小企业服务的专门银行,开拓民间融资渠道,发展民营商业银行,发展股票和债券市场,积极建设“新三板”。再次加快推进利率市场化进程。完善金融市场风险分散机制。另外成立专门服务于FDI企业的信息平台机构等。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the deepening of reform and opening up and Chinese global economic ties have become increasingly close, more and more Chinese development has attracted worldwide attention, to enter China's foreign direct investment to X Cheng Sakura night?? ah Bu of aphid??? "This PO LAN? Please squat benzene oil steamed persimmon charm slips? I put the bar from??? DI as a resource, is the theory can promote the host country's economic growth, but the absorption effect will be affected by many factors, among them, the degree of development of the financial market is a very important factor. Then the financial market on the inflow of FDI has a kind of impact and the introduction of financial markets on the absorption of FDI is how to influence and to what extent? But in recent years, China's economic growth rate has slowed to a certain extent, this requires in the throes of transition we improve the FDI into the" quantity "at the same time. We need to improve the efficiency of FDI utilization, that is to improve the efficiency of FDI absorption. In this paper, we will try to do some research on this problem and put forward some policy recommendations for improving our financial market.
Effect of FDI on economic growth mainly through two aspects: one is the effect of capital accumulation effect, by providing capital which is a basic factor of production, promote economic growth directly; the two is the technical spillover effect, through technology transfer, diffusion and absorption, indirectly promote the economic growth. The absorption capacity of the two path depends on the host country of its own, but this ability is a major influence on the development level of the country's financial market. In the first chapter, the domestic and foreign relevant research and literature review; the second chapter introduces the concept and related theories, such as the meaning of FDI, the endogenous economic growth theory and financial market theory; the third chapter mainly analyses the mechanism influence of host country's financial market development on FDI and economic growth. And on the basis of empirical analysis on two aspects: the fourth chapter of the 1984-2012 Chinese own time sequence number According to the analysis of the regression analysis of conditions for the development of the financial market of our country under the influence of FDI on economic growth; the fifth chapter uses the panel data model to analyze the comparative effects of different international financial market under the condition of FDI on economic growth, research and analysis of different countries or regions between the individual and the difference between the sixth chapter according to the actual situation. Our country puts forward specific policy recommendations.
This paper gives the conclusion according to the empirical analysis of the corresponding policy recommendations: China should continue to vigorously attract FDI inflows remained steadily FDI inflows of "quantity". Secondly, broaden the financing channels for enterprises to improve the development of financial markets, create a favorable financial environment for the FDI. The special bank development services for SMEs, develop private financing channels, the development of private commercial banks, stock and bond market development, actively building the "new three" again. To accelerate the process of marketization of interest rate. To improve the financial market risk dispersion mechanism. In addition to the establishment of information platform dedicated to the FDI enterprise.



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