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发布时间:2018-01-07 11:10

  本文关键词:缅甸对外经济关系研究 出处:《云南财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 缅甸 对外经济 贸易和投资 制约因素

【摘要】:缅甸,一个长期徘徊于世界政治经济边缘的国家,近期被各方频频探讨,究其原因,一是因为吴登盛总统执政以来迈出了民主化改革的第一步,让这个希望彻底摆脱落后的国家引起了各方注意。二是因为其优越的地理位置、丰富的自然资源、巨大的利益空间吸引了各方眼球。各国学者也致力于从政治、经济、文化等方面研究其发展、改革模式。 1948年刚刚独立的缅甸,长期的战争使得缅甸的经济处于崩溃边缘。不幸的是1962年以奈温为首的政权上台后,缅甸走上了“缅甸式社会主义”的发展道路,这一时期缅甸的闭关锁国政策使得缅甸政治、经济、文化等各方面都停滞不前1。1988年苏貌带领的缅甸国防军发动了政变取得了缅甸政权。成立的新军人集团对缅甸进出了一系列全方位的经济改革,,使得缅甸的对外经济所有发展。但是在1990年昂山素季带领的民盟获得了民主大选的胜利,但是军政府却拒绝交出政权并软禁了昂山素季。缅甸此举遭到了以美国为首的西方国家长达二十多年的经济制裁。 本文主要从贸易和投资两个角度分析缅甸对外经济关系现状;缅甸与主要经济伙伴中国、印度、美国、日本的贸易现状;并且着重阐述中缅经济关系,最后得出缅甸对外经济关系的特点;同时分析缅甸对外经济关系落后的制约因素;展望近年吴登盛总统致力于实行民主化改革,西方国家逐步解除经济制裁后的缅甸前景;并且分析预测2015年缅甸大选后对外经济政策走向。 首先提出研究问题和意义、研究方法和思路。在查阅各种研究文献的基础上,总结国内外对缅甸经济的研究综述,得出研究方向主要集中在政治或文化方面,对外经济涉及不多,且由于经济数据缺乏造成现有研究杂乱匮乏。然后通过数据分析、对比分析、计量模型分析等方法,从贸易与投资方面分析缅甸与各主要经济伙伴国之间的经济现状。最后得出缅甸对外经济关系的相关结论、政策建议及前景预测。
[Abstract]:Myanmar , a country that lingers on the edge of the world ' s political economy for a long time , has recently been explored frequently by the parties . One reason is that since President Wu Dengsheng has taken the first step in democratization reform , it has attracted the attention of all sides because of its superior geographical location , abundant natural resources and huge interest space . Scholars have also been committed to studying their development and reform patterns from the aspects of politics , economy and culture . Myanmar ' s political , economic , cultural and other aspects of Myanmar ' s political , economic , cultural and other political , economic , cultural and other aspects of Myanmar ' s political , economic , cultural and other aspects of Myanmar ' s political , economic , cultural and other political , economic , cultural and other aspects of Myanmar ' s political , economic , cultural and other aspects of the country ' s political , economic , cultural and other developments have led to the political , economic and cultural development of Myanmar , which has led to the political , economic and cultural development of Myanmar . This paper mainly analyzes the current situation of Myanmar ' s external economic relations from two angles of trade and investment , analyzes the current situation of Myanmar ' s trade with the main economic partners China , India , the United States and Japan , and emphatically expounds the characteristics of Myanmar ' s external economic relations . At the same time , it analyzes the restrictive factors behind the backwardness of Myanmar ' s external economic relations . Based on the review of various research literatures , the author summarizes the research on Myanmar ' s economy at home and abroad , and concludes that the research direction is mainly concentrated in political or cultural aspects . The research direction is mainly concentrated in political or cultural aspects . The research direction mainly focuses on the political or cultural aspects . It also analyzes the economic situation between Myanmar and the major economic partner countries by means of data analysis , comparative analysis and measurement model analysis . Finally , the relevant conclusions , policy suggestions and prospect forecasts of Myanmar ' s external economic relations are drawn .



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