本文关键词:安徽省食品价格波动对城乡居民消费需求变动的影响研究 出处:《安徽大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Food is the main source of residents to maintain basic survival and access to nutrition, is related to the daily life of residents of the necessary consumer goods, food price fluctuations, especially large changes. In recent years, food prices in Anhui Province fluctuate more frequently and increase significantly. In 2008 and 2011, the increase of food prices in the province reached 14.3% and 12.2 respectively. The fluctuation of food prices is closely related to the consumption demand of residents. A large increase in prices will have a huge impact on residents' lives and consumer behavior. What is the path that food price fluctuations affect consumer demand? What consumption measures will urban and rural residents take to cope with food price fluctuations? Are different income groups' ability to withstand food price fluctuations different? What is the effect of food price fluctuation on residents' consumption demand under uncertain expected conditions? This paper will analyze these questions and try to find out a reasonable answer. This paper systematically combed the literature on food price fluctuation and consumer demand. To investigate the general trend of food price fluctuation in Anhui Province, and analyze the fluctuating components and trend components of individual food species by H-P filter method, so as to better grasp the characteristics of food price. This paper analyzes the changes of the ratio of food consumption to total consumption expenditure, and explores the changes of consumption quality and consumption structure of Anhui residents. In order to strengthen the effect of food price fluctuation on the consumption demand of residents, this paper analyzes the mechanism. From the theoretical level to study the impact of food price fluctuations on consumption demand under the conditions of urban-rural differences, income gap and uncertain expectations. In order to provide solid theoretical support for the empirical analysis below. According to the relevant data of each prefecture-level city in Anhui Province from 2003 to 2014, this paper uses the dynamic panel model to analyze the difference between urban and rural areas. The effect of food price fluctuation on the consumption demand of urban and rural residents is analyzed from three aspects of income gap and uncertain expectation. The results show that there is a negative correlation between food price fluctuation and consumption demand of urban and rural residents. Compared to urban residents. The impact of food price fluctuations on the consumption demand of rural residents is more prominent. The effect of inflation on food price fluctuations will further hinder the expansion of consumption demand of urban and rural residents. The effect of food price fluctuation on the consumption demand of urban and rural residents increased slightly, and the regional economic development expected a small increase in food price fluctuations on the negative impact on the consumption demand of urban and rural residents. Finally, in order to reduce the adverse impact of food price fluctuations and improve consumer demand, this paper from the improvement of food price formation mechanism. To improve the income level of residents and narrow the income gap, guide the consumption concept, improve the consumption environment and put forward specific countermeasures.
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