本文关键词: 青藏高原 资源可持续利用 资源贡献力 生态足迹 资源福利指数 出处:《兰州大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:青藏高原是世界上除南北极之外的最后一片净土,有广泛的生态环境影响。青藏高原虽然是我国经济欠发达地区,但却是我国草地资源、生物资源等自然资源富集和少数民族聚集的地区,资源的利用状态决定着高原未来的发展方向,直接关系到高原的生态环境,影响我国、东南亚乃至全世界的生态环境问题。因此,研究青藏高原地区资源的可持续利用情况,对青藏高原地区的可持续发展具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 资源可持续利用研究涉及“自然—经济—社会”三位一体的复杂巨系统,本文按照自然系统→“自然—经济”系统→“自然—经济—社会”系统逐层深入进行青藏高原地区资源可持续利用实证分析。以青海、西藏、四川、云南、甘肃和新疆6个省(区)作为研究对象,以2002-2011年为研究的时间范围,具体选取生态足迹(Ecological Footprint, EF)指标进行6种资源(耕地、草地、林地、水域、化石能源和建设用地)贡献力的实证分析,选取万元GDP生态足迹指标进行6种资源利用效率的实证分析,选取资源福利指数(Resource Welfare Index,RWI)进行资源可持续利用状态与社会福利的实证分析,主要得出以下结论: 1、除西藏外,其他5省(区)都已出现生态赤字。青藏高原各地区资源可持续利用的空间差异较大,西藏一直处于生态盈余状态,资源开发利用的程度小,而其他各省(区)都已出现生态赤字,且有增长的趋势。青海的生态赤字最小,2011年为-1.207hm2;新疆的生态赤字最大,2011年已达到-3.858hm2。 2、以青藏高原6种资源的平均人均生态足迹为基础,以不同资源所占比例的大小来判断各种资源对人生存的贡献力大小,得出各种资源的贡献力由大到小依次为:化石能源(44.229%)耕地(30.831%)草地(22.641%)水域(1.096%)林地(0.889%)建设用地(0.313%)。6种资源中的化石能源的贡献力最大,说明经济发展对能源的依赖很大。 3、青藏高原6省(区)万元GDP生态足迹的数值都呈下降趋势,对应的总体资源利用效率都呈增长的趋势。万元GDP生态足迹表明产生每万元的GDP所消耗的资源,数值越大,资源的利用效率越低,反之,资源的利用效率越高。根据2002-2011年万元GDP生态足迹10年的平均值,得出6省(区)总体资源利用效率由高到低依次为:四川青海西藏平均值甘肃云南新疆;资源利用率都有所提高,增长的速度由快到慢依次为:四川西藏平均值甘肃青海云南新疆。 4、计算出各种资源6省(区)2002-2011年的每年的万元GDP生态足迹平均值,再将计算出的10年的数值取平均值,得出每种资源的万元GDP生态足迹:耕地(0.665hm2/万元)、草地(0.457hm2历元)、林地(0.016hm2历元)、水域(0.023hm2/万元)、化石能源(1.013hm2/万元)、建设用地(0.006hm2/万元)。根据各种资源的万元GDP生态足迹数值的大小得出,青藏高原的各种资源的利用率由高到低依次为:建设用地林地水域草地耕地化石能源。 5、根据各种资源10年的万元GDP生态足迹的基尼系数的大小及变化,判断青藏高原各地区资源利用效率的差异程度。基尼系数越大,差异程度越大。6省(区)10年的总体资源利用效率的基尼系数在0.05-0.2之间,10年的平均值为0.108,同时基尼系数有变大的趋势,说明青藏高原各地区总体资源利用效率的差异程度较小,但差异程度有变大的趋势。根据各种资源的万元GDP生态足迹基尼系数10年的平均值大小,得出不同资源利用效率的差异程度由大到小依次为:林地(0.802)水域(0.691)草地(0.546)建设用地(0.349)耕地(0.258)化石能源(0.177)。 6、根据资源福利指数(RWI)的评价标准得出,西藏的资源可持续利用的状态为次良性正向发展,青海、四川、云南、甘肃和新疆为次恶性正向发展。RWI是本文结合人类发展指数(HDI)和生态足迹指数(EFI)提出的,即单位资源投入所产出的福利水平,目的是全面地反映在利用资源发展经济的同时反馈给社会的综合效率水平,并根据RWI、HDI和EFI的变化趋势来评价一个国家或地区资源可持续利用状况。西藏RWI的增长率0,HDI的增长率(7.509%)大于EFI的增长率(3.615%),表明资源消耗和社会福利水平都增长,同时社会福利水平增长的速度高于资源消耗的速度,资源可持续利用呈现出次良性正向发展状态。青海、四川、云南、甘肃和新疆的RWI的增长率0,HDI的增长率小于EFI的增长率,表明资源消耗和社会福利水平都增加,但社会福利水平增长的速度低于资源消耗的速度,资源可持续利用呈现出次恶性正向发展状态。 7、青藏高原生物资源消费结构有待优化。通过对青藏高原的生物资源的贡献力的分析得出青藏高原总体生物资源的消费结构为:粮食等农产品畜产品水产品林产品。青藏高原6省(区)的生物资源贡献力大小存在差异,消费结构也有所不同,青海和西藏的畜产品的消费量最大,其次是粮食等农产品,其他4省(区)仍是粮食等农产品的消费最大。所以,说明青藏高原地区的消费结构还是以粮食等农产品为主,生物资源的消费结构需要优化,可适当增加畜产品和林产品的消费比例。 8、能源的产业结构有待优化转型。通过对6省(区)6种资源对人生存的贡献力的实证分析得出,各种资源对人生存的贡献力中,化石能源居首位,占据绝大部分贡献力的就有青海、甘肃和新疆3省,只有四川和云南的耕地资源大于化石能源的贡献力,青藏高原地区对各种能源的消耗中,化石能源的消耗量最大。但是,通过对青藏高原6省(区)资源利用率的实证分析得出,在青藏高原的6种资源的利用率中,化石能源的利用率最低。对于化石能源的利用存在消耗量大,但能源利用率低的问题。所以,能源的产业结构有待优化转型。
[Abstract]:Qinghai Tibet Plateau is the world in addition to North and South beyond the last piece of pure land, the ecological environment has wide influence. Although the Tibetan Plateau is China's underdeveloped areas, but the grassland resources in China, rich in natural resources and biological resources of minority areas, the use of state resources determines the direction of future development of the plateau that is directly related to the ecological environment of the plateau, the impact of China's ecological environment, Southeast Asia and the whole world. Therefore, the sustainable use of regional resources on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, has important theoretical significance and practical significance for the sustainable development of Tibetan Plateau.
Study on the sustainable utilization of resources involved in "nature - economy - society" three-in-one complex giant system, according to the natural system, the nature of economic system "and" nature - economy - society "system step by step further empirically the sustainable use of regional resources in Qinghai analysis. In Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan Province, 6 Gansu and Xinjiang (District) as the research object, based on 2002-2011 as the research scope of time, the ecological footprint (Ecological Footprint, EF) 6 resources index (farmland, grassland, woodland, water area, construction land and fossil energy) empirical analysis of contribution, select the million GDP ecological footprint index 6 empirical analysis of the efficiency of resource utilization, resource selection index (Resource Welfare Index, welfare RWI) empirical state and social welfare resources sustainable utilization analysis, we draw the following conclusions:
1, in addition to Tibet, the other 5 provinces (regions) have appeared. The spatial difference of ecological deficit sustainable utilization of regional resources in Qinghai Tibet Plateau is large, Tibet has been in a state of ecological surplus, the development and utilization of resources is small, and the other provinces (regions) have appeared ecological deficit, and the growth trend of ecological deficit. Qinghai minimum, 2011 is -1.207hm2; the maximum ecological deficit in Xinjiang, 2011 has reached -3.858hm2.
2, the Tibetan Plateau 6 resources average per capita ecological footprint based on different resource proportion size to determine the various resources of existence with force, the contribution of various resources in descending order: fossil energy land (44.229%) (30.831%) (22.641%) (the waters of grassland 1.096%) woodland (0.889%) construction land (0.313%) the largest fossil energy resources in the.6 contribution to the economic development, a lot of energy dependence.
3, 6 Tibetan Plateau (District) numerical GDP's ecological footprint showed a downward trend, the overall resources corresponding to the use efficiency showed a rising trend. The ecological footprint of ten thousand yuan GDP showed that consumption per 10000 yuan of GDP resources, the greater the value, the efficiency of resource utilization is low, on the other hand, resources the use of high efficiency. Based on the average 2002-2011 million GDP ecological footprint values of 10 years, the 6 provinces (regions) the overall resource utilization efficiency from high to low: Sichuan Qinghai Tibet Gansu Yunnan Xinjiang average; resource utilization rate has increased, the growth rate is in turn from fast to slow: Sichuan Tibet Gansu Qinghai Yunnan Xinjiang average.
4, calculate the 6 provinces (regions) of all kinds of resources in 2002-2011 year million GDP ecological footprint average numerical 10 years then calculate the average, that each resource million GDP ecological footprint: arable land (0.665hm2/ million), grassland (0.457hm2 epoch), woodland (0.016hm2 epoch), waters (0.023hm2/ million), fossil energy (1.013hm2/ million), construction land (0.006hm2/ million). According to the ecological footprint of ten thousand yuan GDP the size of the values of various resources, use of various resources of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau rate from high to low: Land woodland grassland farmland water fossil energy construction.
5, according to the size and the changes of the Gini coefficient of various resources 10 years million GDP ecological footprint, determine the difference degree of utilization efficiency of regional resources in the Tibetan Plateau. The Gini coefficient is, the greater the difference of.6 province (area) the Gini coefficient of efficiency of the overall resource utilization in 10 years between 0.05-0.2, the average value of 10 for 0.108 years, at the same time, the Gini coefficient is bigger, the efficiency of the overall resources in various regions of the Tibetan Plateau had little difference, but the difference is bigger. According to various resources million GDP ecological footprint Gini coefficient 10 year average size, the degree of difference between the utilization efficiency of different resources by large to small is as follows: (0.802) woodland grassland waters (0.691) (0.546) construction land (0.349) land (0.258) of fossil energy (0.177).
6, according to the resource welfare index (RWI) and the evaluation standard, the sustainable utilization of resources in Tibet state for the positive development of benign Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, and Xinjiang for the development of.RWI is based on the positive malignant human development index (HDI) and the ecological footprint index (EFI) is proposed, namely resource unit into the output of the welfare level, is fully reflected in the use of resources and economic development of the feedback to the overall efficiency level of the society, and according to RWI, the change trend of HDI and EFI to assess a country or region sustainable utilization. The Tibet RWI growth rate of 0, the growth rate of HDI (7.509%) is greater than the growth rate of EFI (3.615%), showed that the consumption of resources and the level of social welfare is growing, while the level of social welfare growth rate is higher than the rate of resource consumption, sustainable use of resources showing the positive and healthy development status. The Qinghai times Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, and Xinjiang's RWI growth rate of 0, the growth rate of HDI is less than the growth rate of EFI, indicates that the consumption of resources and the level of social welfare will increase, but the level of social welfare growth rate lower than the rate of resource consumption, sustainable use of resources showing positive malignant development.
7, the Tibetan Plateau biological resources consumption structure needs to be optimized. Through the analysis of the consumption structure of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau biological resource contribution that overall biomass resources in Qinghai Tibet Plateau: grain and other agricultural products aquatic animal products of forest products. 6 provinces of Qinghai Tibet Plateau (District) differences in the biological resources contribution force, consumption structure different consumption in Qinghai and Tibet's largest livestock products, followed by food and other agricultural products, the other 4 provinces (regions) is the largest consumer of grain and other agricultural products. So that the consumption structure of the Tibetan Plateau is dominated by grain and other agricultural products, the consumption structure of biological resources need to be optimized, can be appropriately increased the proportion of consumption of livestock products and forest products.
8, the industrial structure needs to be optimized. The energy transformation of 6 provinces (regions) an empirical analysis of 6 kinds of resources for human survival of the contribution that the contribution of various resources for human survival in the fossil energy in the first place, occupy most of the contribution is Qinghai, Gansu and Xinjiang 3 provinces, only the cultivated land Sichuan and Yunnan more than fossil energy contribution, Tibetan Plateau area of energy consumption, the consumption of fossil energy. However, through the 6 provinces of Qinghai Tibet Plateau (District) analysis shows that the utilization rate of empirical resources, in the use of 6 kinds of resources of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau rate, utilization of fossil energy the lowest rate. For the use of fossil energy are consumed in large quantities, but the utilization rate is low. Therefore, the industrial structure needs to be optimized energy transformation.
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