本文关键词: “泛珠”经济合作 域内企业 赴桂投资 相互关系 出处:《广西师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Regional economic cooperation in the region is the economic entities in the market and resources sharing, investment, trade, industrial development and other areas of mutual cooperation, the formation process of the interests of the community. The deepening of regional economic cooperation, especially the liberalization of investment, investment facilitation, industrial division of labor, market and resource sharing, improve the level of the supply of public goods, theory on the subject of investment can effectively expand market demand, reduce the investment costs and investment risks, resolve a variety of obstacles to investment activities, resulting in more obvious investment promotion effect. At the same time, the existing research results at home and abroad as well as regional economic cooperation practice case also shows that investors benefit from regional economic cooperation investment promote the effect produced in the region is more active investment behavior, including in the area of industrial and regional spatial distribution in areas such as investment decision-making, also To further deepen the relations of regional economic cooperation of the parties, and promote the deepening of regional economic cooperation. With the deepening of China's open economy, since 1990s, the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and the Bohai rim like a raging fire and other areas of economic cooperation. The Yangtze River Delta economic zone and Beijing Tianjin Hebei Economic Circle in 2015 officially rose to national strategy that marks the strategy of regional economic cooperation in inter provincial administrative divisions in China entered into a new stage. If the investigation of provincial economic and administrative divisions, the investment promotion effect and can be roughly divided into three types: within the domain of enterprise inter provincial investment promotion effect, within the domain of enterprises in the province investment promotion effect and foreign companies in the region in the investment promotion effect. In contrast, the enterprises in the provincial domain investment behavior have a more direct role in promoting regional economic cooperation based on the parties. Taking into account the relationship between regional economic cooperation and investment considerations, but also by the data collection, the content of space, case enterprise investment decision boundaries and other factors limit the research perspective for locking domain enterprises by supply to stimulate regional economic cooperation policies and the system of inter provincial investment phenomenon. In fact, as early as 2004, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Fujian and other 9 provinces of the mainland and Hongkong, Macao 2 Special Administrative Region signed by the "Pan Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation Framework Agreement", marked the official launch of the "Pan Pearl River Delta economic zone" 9+2 "regional cooperation modes. Far from 12 years of transprovincial economic cooperation practice and the course covers both eastern central and western provinces cooperation body," typical Pan Pearl "cooperation is undoubtedly more research sample, the research material also more abundant. In addition, combined with the pen The actual in Guangxi and in Guangxi devoted to the economic construction of the enterprise and the Pan Pearl River region in Guangxi investment behavior as the research paradigm. It needs to be emphasized that the domain to enterprises in the inter provincial investment phenomenon as the basic idea of research based on the perspective of this paper, the "domain of enterprise" concept of directivity is defined as other provinces in Pan Pearl River Delta enterprises except Guangxi. Therefore, this paper based on the "Pan PRD" economic cooperation, focusing on "enterprise pan PRD" economic cooperation and domain to Guangxi relationship investment, and through field visits to Guangxi district development and Reform Commission, Guangxi industry and Information Committee, Guangxi District Department of Commerce as well as Sichuan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong Province Chamber of Commerce and the typical enterprises in Guangxi, a large collection of first-hand material, on this basis to see essence through the phenomenon, in-depth discussion about investment promotion of regional economic cooperation in China Institutional arrangements and policy supply, so as to further enhance the domain of enterprise inter provincial investment level and efficiency, and enhance the level of investment through deepening to promote regional economic cooperation. Based on the open economy under the conditions of the enterprise investment theory, defines the concept of "enterprise of Pan Pearl River Delta" domain and domain of enterprise investment behavior. In the provinces on the basis, this paper firstly analyzes the development process of the "Pan PRD" economic cooperation for more than 10 years, "a detailed description of the design of the relevant policy of Pan Pearl cooperation under the framework of institutional arrangements and the main areas of cooperation and achievements, and from the overall scale, spatial distribution, industry distribution of three aspects reflect the overall situation of enterprises in the provincial domain the actual investment. Then based on the domain of enterprises to invest in Guangxi Province, the Pan Pearl River Delta and other provinces enterprises invest in Guangxi, and the Pan Pearl River Delta Economic Cooperation under the background of domain Research on development of enterprise development and domain enterprises to Guangxi investment to Guangxi investment under the influence of "Pan PRD" economic cooperation ", to explore the relationship between the enterprise and the Pan Pearl River Delta" economic cooperation within the domain to Guangxi investment. And through the study of "Pan Pearl enterprises" economic cooperation and mutual relations in Guangxi region investment, mining the deep-seated reasons of limiting domain enterprises to Guangxi investment, to put forward suggestions to promote inter provincial enterprises investment and thus enhance the level of economic cooperation in Pan Pearl River Delta. The research shows that more than ten years in Pan Pearl River Delta economic cooperation through investment effect, economies of scale and government interests, promote the domain of Guangxi investment enterprises to market driven mechanism, the domain of enterprises to Guangxi investment continues to expand the scale of the industry and optimize the structure and spatial distribution. Within the domain of enterprise in Guangxi investment through the resource allocation effect, yield Industry agglomeration effect and economic growth effect to further deepen the "Pan PRD" economic cooperation, the formation of interaction. But at the same time, the shortage of funds, personnel tension, market environment needs to be improved and other negative factors influence on the domain of enterprise, hinders the enterprise to Guangxi investment activities. Through the analysis, the positive interaction between the government and enterprises to solve within the domain of enterprise inter provincial investment difficulties and key to promote regional economic cooperation. In the enterprise foundation to improve its strength and competitiveness, the central and local governments should actively play the functions, make up the short board of the Pan Pearl River Delta "economic cooperation institutional arrangements fundamentally, improve the mechanism designing area, improve the regional investment environment, the final break the domain investment and enterprise provinces in Pan Pearl River Delta economic cooperation development bottleneck.
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