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发布时间:2018-01-21 21:18

  本文关键词: FDI 技术溢出 技术创新 技术创新投入和产出 出处:《广西大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:世界经济的发展早已超越了传统意义上国家层面的限制。这种趋势将会导致全球的经济个体联结成一个整体,并使得作为单个个体的国家之间的经济联系愈发的紧密。从中国的实际情况看,作为经济联系标尺的外商直接投资,在质量上呈现出稳步上升的特征。外商直接投资不仅可以为中国提供外国资金,还会带来溢出效应,这对中国的技术创新具有非常强的现实意义。 本文正是基于对国内外相关文献和著作研读的基础上,结合相关概念的梳理,以及外商直接投资在中国的实际发展情况出发,就FDI对中国的技术创新的影响进行分析。进而通过对2001-2012年的数据进行实证分析,并得出自己的结论。在实证方面,本文先从全国的角度进行分析,具体做法是收集了2001-2012年中国各省份的面板数据,以中国企业对技术创新的投入和技术创新的产出为切入点,分析了FDI对中国企业技术创新的影响。在完成对中国影响的分析后,通过选取处于中国不同区域但发展水平相近的省份组成小的区域,再对这些小的区域中FDI对创新的影响进行进一步的研究。根据分析得出的结论,作者提出以下的观点:第一,对于中国和所选取的地区来看,外商直接投资对内资企业的技术创新产出具有明显的正效应,而且对中部地区的正效应要明显大于全国水平和其他两个区域的水平。第二,从全国情况和所选取的区域情况看,外商直接投资对内资企业的创新投入具有非常明显的正效应;而且从选取的区域来看,东部地区的正效应最大,西部地区次之,中部最次。最后,作者在经验分析的基础上,结合中国的实际提出了相关的政策建议。
[Abstract]:The development of the world economy has long gone beyond the traditional limits of the national level. This trend will lead to the integration of global economic entities. And as a single individual countries between the economic ties become more and more close. From the actual situation in China, as a scale of economic linkages of foreign direct investment. Foreign direct investment (FDI) can not only provide foreign capital for China, but also bring spillover effect, which is of great practical significance to China's technological innovation. This paper is based on the study of relevant literature and works at home and abroad, combined with the combing of relevant concepts, as well as the actual development of foreign direct investment in China. This paper analyzes the impact of FDI on technological innovation in China. Then through the empirical analysis of the data from 2001 to 2012, it draws its own conclusions. This paper first from the point of view of the national analysis, the specific approach is to collect the 2001-2012 Chinese provinces panel data, with Chinese enterprises on technological innovation input and technological innovation output as the entry point. This paper analyzes the impact of FDI on technological innovation of Chinese enterprises. After completing the analysis of the impact on China, small regions are formed by selecting the provinces located in different regions of China but with similar development levels. According to the conclusion of the analysis, the author puts forward the following points: first, for China and selected regions. Foreign direct investment has obvious positive effects on the technological innovation output of domestic enterprises, and the positive effect on the central region is obviously larger than the national level and the level of the other two regions. Second. From the national situation and the selected regional situation, foreign direct investment (FDI) has a very obvious positive effect on the innovation investment of domestic enterprises. Moreover, from the selected regions, the eastern region has the largest positive effect, the western region the second, and the central region the second. Finally, based on the empirical analysis, the author puts forward some relevant policy suggestions based on the actual situation in China.


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