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发布时间:2018-01-31 01:32

  本文关键词: 经济全球化 经济危机 后危机时代 对策 出处:《江西财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:经济全球化是当今世界的基本发展趋势之一。在过去的二十年里,经济全球化迅速发展,深深地改变了世界贸易的竞争本质,合作共赢成为全球经济发展的主流。经济全球化虽然在20世纪80年代才提出,但其进程自资本主义经济建立之后便已开始。第二次世界大战后,经济全球化得到了越来越多的研究,经济学家从各个方面对经济全球化进行探究,并提出自己的观点。 在对前人的研究进行整理总结之后,本文认为经济全球化是指在资本主义经济发展过程中,各国为满足自己经济发展的需要,通过贸易手段与其他国家交换产品、技术、劳务、原材料等,在这个过程中,国家之间的依赖加深,联系更加紧密。从本质上说,经济全球化是一个历史范畴,是生产力发展的必然过程,具体来说,经济全球化是资本主义经济发展的结果和体现。关于经济全球化的发展阶段,本文认为经济全球化始自19世纪中期资本主义世界经济体系的建立,以1995年和2007年为分界点分为三个阶段。 随着经济全球化的不断推进与深化,世界经济紧密联系在一起,这使得经济危机可以迅速从一个国家影响到全球各地。2007年始自美国的次贷危机迅速发酵并演变为一场世界范围内的金融危机,对实体经济也产生了严重的影响。资本主义经济学家不断提出各种各样的理论来分析和解释经济危机,但是谁也不愿意相信资本主义经济危机的根源是资本主义制度本身。马克思从资本主义生产、流通和分配三个环节对资本主义经济危机爆发的必然性和可能性进行了系统深入的分析,指出资本主义经济危机的本质是生产过剩,是资本主义基本矛盾发展的结果。2007年次贷危机的本质同样也是生产过剩的危机,但是这次经济危机又有新的特点,本次危机具有极强的传导性,严重打击了世界经济的发展和人们的信心,欧美发达国家经济衰退迹象明显。 经济全球化的脚步没有因为经济危机的出现而停止,全球化的趋势没有改变,反而有了新发展。其主要表现为:新科技革命方兴未艾;产业与企业的发展方向重新调整;经济治理改革成为经济全球化新的利益诉求;跨国垄断资本开始寻求新的全球市场;后危机时代贸易保护主义抬头并呈现出新的特点。 最后,本文认为,在后危机时代,我国应从坚持科技创新战略与人才强国战略;深化产业结构调整,推进产业升级;积极参与全球经济治理改革,推动建立国际经济新秩序;全面提高开放型经济水平;开展多方合作,积极应对贸易保护主义等多方面积极应对经济全球化的新发展。
[Abstract]:Economic globalization is one of the basic development trends in the world today. In the past two decades, economic globalization has developed rapidly, which has profoundly changed the competitive nature of world trade. Cooperation has become the mainstream of global economic development. Although economic globalization was only proposed in 1980s, the process of economic globalization has begun since the establishment of capitalist economy. Economic globalization has been studied more and more. Economists probe into economic globalization from various aspects and put forward their own views. After summing up the previous studies, this paper holds that economic globalization is to meet the needs of each country's economic development in the process of capitalist economic development. In the process of exchanging products, technology, labor, raw materials and so on with other countries by trade means, the dependence between countries is deepened and the relationship is closer. In essence, economic globalization is a historical category. Economic globalization is the result and embodiment of capitalist economic development. This paper holds that economic globalization began with the establishment of capitalist world economic system on the middle of 19th century and divided into three stages with 1995 and 2007 as the boundary points. With the continuous promotion and deepening of economic globalization, the world economy is closely linked. This enables the economic crisis to quickly affect the world from a country. 2007, the subprime mortgage crisis began in the United States to quickly ferment and evolve into a worldwide financial crisis. Capitalist economists constantly put forward a variety of theories to analyze and explain the economic crisis. But no one wants to believe that the root of the capitalist economic crisis is the capitalist system itself. Marx produced from capitalism. Circulation and distribution of the three links of the capitalist economic crisis of the inevitability and possibility of a systematic in-depth analysis, pointing out that the essence of the capitalist economic crisis is overproduction. In 2007, the nature of the subprime mortgage crisis is also the crisis of overproduction, but this economic crisis has new characteristics, the crisis has a strong conductivity. Seriously hit the development of the world economy and people's confidence, the developed countries in Europe and the United States obvious signs of recession. The pace of economic globalization has not stopped because of the emergence of economic crisis, the trend of globalization has not changed, on the contrary, there has been a new development. Readjust the development direction of industry and enterprise; The reform of economic governance has become a new interest demand of economic globalization. Transnational monopoly capital began to seek new global market; The post-crisis era trade protectionism rises and presents the new characteristic. Finally, this paper holds that in the post-crisis era, our country should insist on the strategy of scientific and technological innovation and the strategy of strengthening the country by talents. Deepening the adjustment of industrial structure and promoting industrial upgrading; To actively participate in the reform of global economic governance and promote the establishment of a new international economic order; Improving the level of open economy in an all-round way; We will cooperate in various ways and actively respond to the new development of economic globalization in various aspects, such as trade protectionism.


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