发布时间:2018-02-26 03:15
本文关键词: 物流产业 经济增长 格兰杰因果关系检验 辽宁省 出处:《大连海事大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着现代化大生产以及不断加深的专业化分工,产生了物流产业并且其重要性日益突显,得到了广泛的关注。物流产业已经发展成为衡量经济增长的重要产业。 辽宁省具有很明显的区位优势,是东北地区通往国内其他地区的交通要道,同时也是东北地区以及内蒙古通向世界、连接欧亚大陆桥的重要门户和前沿地带。因此,辽宁省应加快发展物流产业,进而带动经济的快速增长。在此背景下,研究辽宁省物流产业发展对经济增长的影响具有很强的现实意义。 本文从国内外的研究现状出发,基于产业经济学与计量经济学的基本理论,对辽宁省物流产业发展对经济增长的影响进行了探讨。首先,对物流产业及其与经济增长的相关理论进行了探讨,这是全文的基础理论和基础概念,为辽宁省物流产业发展提供了理论依据;其次,结合辽宁省发展的实际情况,对物流产业发展进行了定性分析,发现辽宁省物流产业发展的优势与劣势及机会与威胁;再次,通过理论部分物流产业发展与经济增长之间相互影响的分析,建立了简单的经济模型,运用时间序列的平稳性检验、协整性检验、误差修正模型分析、格兰杰因果检验等方法对辽宁省物流产业与经济增长进行计量分析;最后,在理论研究和实证研究的基础上,提出了辽宁省物流产业发展的相关对策建议。这些建议有:发挥政府对物流产业的引导作用,加强物流产业基础设施体系的建设,推动物流产业与相关产业的联动发展,加快物流园区和综合物流中心的建立,促进物流信息化和标准化建设,加快物流专业人才的培养。
[Abstract]:With the development of modern production and deepening specialization, logistics industry has become more and more important, which has become an important industry to measure economic growth. Liaoning Province has a clear geographical advantage, which is the important gateway and frontier for the Northeast region to the rest of the country, and also for the Northeast region and Inner Mongolia to the world, connecting the Eurasian Continental Bridge. Liaoning Province should speed up the development of logistics industry, and then promote the rapid economic growth. Under this background, it is of great practical significance to study the impact of Liaoning logistics industry development on economic growth. Based on the basic theories of industrial economics and econometrics, this paper discusses the influence of logistics industry development on economic growth in Liaoning Province. This paper discusses the theory of logistics industry and its relation to economic growth, which is the basic theory and basic concept of this paper, and provides the theoretical basis for the development of logistics industry in Liaoning Province. Secondly, combining with the actual situation of Liaoning Province's development, Qualitative analysis of logistics industry development, found that Liaoning Province logistics industry development strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats; thirdly, through the theoretical part of logistics industry development and economic growth analysis of the interaction between, Established a simple economic model, using the time series stability test, cointegration test, error correction model analysis, Granger causality test to Liaoning Province logistics industry and economic growth econometric analysis; finally, On the basis of theoretical and empirical research, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the development of logistics industry in Liaoning Province. These suggestions include: giving full play to the guiding role of the government to the logistics industry, strengthening the construction of the infrastructure system of the logistics industry, Promote the development of logistics industry and related industries, accelerate the establishment of logistics parks and integrated logistics center, promote the construction of logistics information and standardization, and accelerate the training of logistics professionals.
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