发布时间:2018-02-27 12:38
本文关键词: 云南 金融结构 产业结构 误差修正模型 出处:《云南财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:区域金融结构与产业结构相互影响,共同促进区域经济社会的协调发展。一方面,动态调整中的金融结构,通过资金配置、金融业务创新等能够促使金融资源在不同区域、产业之间的配置从而推动产业结构的调整;另一方面,产业结构受到行政干预、市场机制选择等途径改变资金需求结构来引导金融结构的转变,促使资金重新得到有效配置和加大对多样化金融服务的需求。本文以西南地区经济欠发达省份的云南省为研究对象,运用定性与定量分析相结合的方法,研究了云南省金融结构与产业结构之间的影响关系。该研究能够为制定适合于本地区发展的金融制度、产业制度、区域经济协调发展制度提供参考依据,从而有利于实现地方金融结构与产业结构的协调发展和良性互动,实现本地区以及全国经济社会的可持续发展。 本文首先在国内外研究区域金融结构与产业结构相关成果的基础上在分析了区域金融结构与产业结构之间的影响关系:立足于金融结构角度分析了其对产业结构的影响关系,再从产业结构角度分析了产业结构对金融结构影响关系;其次,梳理了国内外研究在衡量金融结构时所采用的具有代表性的经典指标,再结合云南省统计资料的可获取性、全面性以及兼顾为实证分析服务,从云南省金融结构总体规模、金融资产结构以及融资结构三个角度分析了云南省的金融结构状况;从云南省三大产业产值结构以及从业人员结构两角度分析了云南省的产业结构状况;再次,根据云南省金融结构与产业结构的状况分析结果,选取相关指标分别对云南省金融结构总体规模与产业结构的关系,金融资产结构与产业结构的关系以及融资结构与产业结构的关系进行了实证分析,分层次分析采用的计量方法有协整分析、误差修正模型等,对云南省金融结构与产业结构的关系进行了较细化的分析;最后,根据实证研究结果,结合云南省发展形势,提出云南省金融结构与产业结构相互协调发展的对策建议。 研究结果表明:第一,,云南省金融结构总体规模与产业结构之间存在长期均衡的协整关系,当短期波动偏离长期均衡时,非均衡的状态能够被系统以较显著的调整力度拉回到均衡状态;第二,云南省金融资产中的货币类金融资产、保险类金融资产以及证券类金融资产都与产业结构呈正相关关系,但货币类金融资产与保险类金融资产对产业结构调整的贡献度较大而证券类资产对产业结构调整的贡献度较小;当短期波动偏离长期均衡时,货币类资产对非均衡误差的调整力度最强,其次是保险类金融资产,最后是证券类金融资产;第三,云南省融资结构的变动与产业结构之间存在显著的相关关系,直接融资水平的提高能够带动产业结构的调整;第四,产业结构能够带动云南省金融结构的变化,促进形成多类型中小型金融机构和形成多元化的融资结构。
[Abstract]:The mutual influence of regional financial structure and industrial structure, promote the coordinated development of regional economy and society. On the one hand, the financial structure of the dynamic adjustment, through the allocation of funds, financial innovation can promote financial resources in different regions, between the industrial configuration in order to promote the adjustment of industrial structure; on the other hand, the industrial structure by administrative the intervention, the market mechanism selection means to change the demand structure to guide the transformation of financial structure, promote the effective allocation of funds and increase the diversification of the demand for financial services. In this paper, the southwest underdeveloped provinces of Yunnan Province as the research object, using the method of combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, studies the effect of financial structure with the industrial structure of Yunnan province. The study can make suitable to the local development of the financial system, industrial system, regional economy The coordinated development system provides a reference basis, which helps to achieve coordinated development and positive interaction between local financial structure and industrial structure, and achieve the sustainable development of our region and the whole country's economy and society.
Based on related results of regional financial structure and industrial structure firstly at home and abroad on the analysis of the influence between regional financial structure and industrial structure: Based on the relationship between financial structure analysis of its influence on the industrial structure of the relationship, and then from the angle of industrial structure analysis of the relationship between the influence of industrial structure on financial structure; secondly, combing the research used in measure of the financial structure of the representative of the classic index, Yunnan province combined with the availability of statistical data, both comprehensive and empirical analysis, from the overall size of the financial structure of Yunnan Province, the three aspects of financial assets structure and financing structure of financial structure in Yunnan province Yunnan province; from the three industrial output value structure and employment structure of two angles to analyze the industrial structure in Yunnan province; thirdly, according to the Yunnan Province The financial structure and industrial structure analysis results, select the relevant indicators of Yunnan province the overall size of financial structure and industrial structure, the relationship between financial assets structure and industrial structure and financial structure and industrial structure by empirical analysis, hierarchical analysis measurement method using the cointegration analysis, error correction model and the relationship between financial structure and industrial structure in Yunnan province were analyzed detailed; finally, according to the results of empirical research, combined with the development situation of Yunnan Province, puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to coordinate the development of financial structure and industrial structure in Yunnan province.
The results show that: first, there are long-term equilibrium cointegration relationship between Yunnan Province financial structure of the overall scale and industrial structure, when short-term fluctuations deviate from the long-term equilibrium and non equilibrium state can be a significant adjustment to the system back to a balanced state; second currencies financial assets and financial assets in Yunnan Province, insurance financial assets and securities financial assets are related to the industrial structure positively, but the monetary financial assets and insurance financial assets contribute to the adjustment of industrial structure and a large degree of securities assets contribution to the adjustment of industrial structure is small; when short-term fluctuations deviate from the long-term equilibrium, adjustment of monetary assets for non equilibrium error the strongest, followed by the insurance financial assets, the securities financial assets; third, there are significant changes in Yunnan province between financial structure and industrial structure The relationship between direct financing and industrial structure adjustment can be promoted by raising the level of direct financing. Fourth, industrial structure can drive the change of financial structure in Yunnan Province, promote the formation of multiple small and medium-sized financial institutions and form diversified financing structure.
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