本文选题:临汾市 切入点:县域经济 出处:《中国农业科学院》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:县域作为一个经济地理单位,是城市经济与农村经济的结合部、“三农”问题的集中区域。在我国推进新农村建设、全面建设小康社会以及城镇率不断提高的过程中,县域将成为发展的重点。但是,目前诸多县域经济产业层次低,农业效率较低、龙头企业发展不足、教育水平和人力资源素质较低、农民收入增长乏力并面临较大困难、县域城镇化建设滞后于工业化,研究县域经济的可持续发展路径将是一个重要的课题。 山西是一个以县域经济为基础的省份,县域内人口占省人口的70%以上,县域经济GDP占全省GDP的56%左右。选择一条平衡可持续的县域经济的发展道路对山西来说有着重要的意义。临汾作为山西省的一个不发达的市区,辖1个市辖区,2个县级市,14个县,县域经济发展缓慢,仍存在许多困难和问题,与经济发达地区的县域经济相比还有很大的差距,在众多县域中具有一定的代表性,研究临汾县域经济可持续发展道路,对山西选择适合省情的县域经济发展道路具有很强的借鉴意义。 针对县域经济的可持续发展,本文首先对县域经济的概念做了界定,并对目前国内外有关县域经济可持续发展的研究现状进行梳理。以临汾市为例,分析了临汾市行政区划与区位交通、环境要素、产业结构、劳动力资源等县域经济的基础条件,总结了县域经济一二三产业的总体发展特征。借鉴联合国人类发展指数(HDI)的评价方法,根据科学客观性、前瞻时效性、通用扩展性、可操作性等原则,建立了临汾市县域经济综合发展指数评价指标体系,设定了经济基础、经济结构、经济发展活力三个一级指标以及9个二级指标。评价结果表明,古县、安泽县、蒲县、乡宁县、侯马市、霍州市等县(或县级市)的经济发展水平较高,而隔县、永和县、汾西县和大宁县等地区的发展水平较低。差距较大的有人均GDP、人均财政收入、城市化率、全员劳动生产率等指标。 论文通过DEA数据包络分析,分析各县的比较优势,从而为县域经济在整体上进行布局提供参考,分析结果表明,在相同的投入上各县的产出有较大差异,因而可以选择不同的发展路径,,古县以煤资源为主,应在此基础上不断的扩展产品品种,提升产品的科技含量,从而改变以往所处的价值链低端的处境。其它一些县市比较优势不明确,如侯马,汾西等。但仔细挖掘会发现其所具有其它相邻经济体所不具备的条件,如侯马的地理位置,使其优势在商贸物流方面得以体现,其它一些人口大县如洪桐、霍州、翼城等,工农业发展都比较充分,属于大而全的类型。这些县市考虑的发展因素较多,规划发展路径更需细致入微才能充分发挥优势。 论文进一步指出了临汾市县域经济存在县域差距和城乡差距逐步拉大,经济非协调发展;县域资金缺乏,难以适应资金投入型经济增长方式;农业效益比较低,农村剩余劳动力转移困难;经济结构不合理,产业结构层次低;环境资源问题严重,经济持续发展存在困难等问题。论文最后提出了明确各级政府职能,保障县域经济发展;协调发展区域经济,缩小县域经济差异,发展区域特色农业,夯实经济发展基础;优化县域经济结构,提升经济发展水平的政策建议。
[Abstract]:The county as a unit is a combination of economic geography, city economy and rural economy, concentrated area of "three rural issues". To promote the new rural construction in our country, the process of building a moderately prosperous society and urbanization rate increasing, the county will become the focus of development. However, many of the County Economy in the low level of industry, the low efficiency of agriculture, the development of leading enterprises, education level and quality of human resources is low, farmers income growth and facing greater difficulties, county urbanization lags behind industrialization, sustainable development path of county economy is an important issue.
Shanxi is a county economy as the foundation of the province, the county population accounted for more than 70% of the population, the county economy GDP accounted for about 56% of GDP. Choose the path of development of a sustainable balance of county economy is of great significance to Shanxi. Linfen is an underdeveloped area in Shanxi province. Jurisdiction over 1 districts, 2 county-level cities, 14 counties, the county economic development is slow, there are still many difficulties and problems, compared with the economic developed areas of the county economy is still a big gap, which is representative in many counties, on the road of economic sustainable development in Linfen County, has a strong reference the Shanxi county economic development road for the situation.
For the sustainable development of county economy, this paper describes the concept of the county economy of the definition, and reviews the current domestic and foreign research status of county economy sustainable development. Taking Linfen city as an example, analysis of the administrative regionalization and regional transportation, Linfen city environmental factors, industrial structure, basic conditions of labor resources of the county economy and summarizes the overall characteristics of the development of the county economy of the 123 industry. From the UN Human Development Index (HDI) evaluation method, according to the prospective scientific objectivity, timeliness, general scalability, operability, and establishes the evaluation index system of Linfen city county economic development index, set up the economic foundation, economic structure. The economic vitality of the three first grade indexes and 9 level two indexes. The evaluation results show that the ancient county, Anze County, Pu County, Xiangning County, Houma City, Huozhou city and other counties (or county-level city). The level of economic development is relatively high, while the development level of every county, Yonghe County, Fenxi county and Daning county is relatively low. There are larger GDP per capita, per capita fiscal revenue, urbanization rate and total labor productivity.
The DEA data envelopment analysis, comparative advantage analysis of counties, so as to provide reference for the county economy in the overall layout, the analysis results show that the counties in the same input output are different, so can choose a different development path, the ancient coal resources, should be based on the continuous expansion of product variety and enhance the technological content of products, so as to change the low end of the value chain of the previous situation. Some other counties comparative advantage is not clear, such as Houma, Fenxi and so on. But careful excavation will find its other neighboring economies do not have the conditions, such as the geographical location of Houma, its advantage is reflected in business logistics, some other populous county such as Hong Tong, Yicheng, Huozhou, the development of industry and agriculture are relatively full, which belongs to the large and complete types. Many factors to consider development of these counties, planning The path of the exhibition needs to be more detailed in order to give full play to the advantages.
The paper further pointed out that the county economy of Linfen county and the gap gradually widened the gap between urban and rural areas, non economic coordinated development; the lack of funds, it is difficult to adapt to the capital investment mode of economic growth; agricultural benefit is low, difficult to transfer of rural surplus labor; economic structure is not reasonable, low level of industrial structure; environmental problems are serious, the difficult problem of sustainable economic development. Finally, put forward a clear all levels of government functions, support the development of county economy; coordinated development of regional economy, narrowing the regional economic differences, regional development of agriculture, strengthening the foundation for economic development; to optimize the economic structure, enhance the level of economic development policy recommendations.
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