本文选题:温室气体排放清单 切入点:低碳发展路线图 出处:《中国人口·资源与环境》2016年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Promoting low-carbon development is one of the basic requirements for the construction of new urbanization with Chinese characteristics. To study and formulate a road map for urban low-carbon development is to systematically promote the control of greenhouse gas emissions in the region. The road map for urban low-carbon development is a low-carbon strategic goal for the transformation of urban development, based on urban conditions and national and regional development strategies, through planning technologies and solutions. The development of a low-carbon development road map generally requires six steps to understand the current state of greenhouse gas emissions, to analyse future emission scenarios and to set low-carbon development targets, According to the practice of urban low-carbon development road map, this paper starts with the practical needs of sector management, and gives the action plan of the focal area, the assessment of technology / project emission reduction potential, and the implementation of safeguard measures, according to the practice of urban low-carbon development road map. The structure of compilation and analysis of the "seven sectors" of greenhouse gas inventories has been established to link it with the focus areas of low-carbon development, namely, the seven key emission reduction areas of IPCC, And to integrate sectoral (industry) low-carbon adaptation technology needs assessments into the preparation of urban low-carbon development road maps... in order to promote better integration of greenhouse gas emission inventories and low-carbon adaptation technology needs assessments into urban low-carbon development road maps, This paper puts forward three suggestions for improvement: 1 to perform the most central direct function of greenhouse gas inventories, and to improve inventory tools for the analysis of quality, science, and systematic analysis of the time distribution and sectoral distribution of urban greenhouse gas emissions, The development of a road map for urban low-carbon development and the provision of a low-carbon development decision-making service .2 to serve as a derivative of greenhouse gas inventories for planning, assessment and decision-making, There is a need to improve continuity in the quality and time series of GHG inventories. 3 to perform the derivative function of GHG inventories and to integrate improved GHG inventories and technology needs assessments for low-carbon adaptation into the preparation of a low-carbon development road map.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究所;中国社会科学院研究生院;
【基金】:“十二五”国家科技支撑计划(编号:2011BAJ07B07) 中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究所创新工程项目 中国清洁发展机制基金赠款项目(编号:2012008)
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