本文选题:重庆市 切入点:内陆开放型经济 出处:《中共重庆市委党校》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The great difference in economic development between inland areas and coastal areas of China is manifested in the differences in the development of opening up to the outside world. However, how to open up to the outside world in inland areas, Although there are some developed inland open cities such as Chicago, Germany and Bangalore in India, most of them are "shallow" or small developed countries. In China, "speeding up the opening up of the interior" is an important measure for the country to implement the strategy of "raising the level of open economy in an all-round way" and promoting the coordinated development of the region. The report of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward for the first time. By the time the "18 National Congress" report further emphasized "comprehensively improving the level of an open economy," the inland regions had accelerated the pace of opening to the outside world. "Chongqing's development of the inland open economy" is a typical example in the exploration of the development of China's inland open economy. It has accumulated a lot of experience and provided abundant materials for the construction of inland open economy theory, but compared with the developed coastal areas, there is still a certain gap, so it is necessary to sum up the experience on the basis of insufficient understanding. Based on the review of the literature on the inland open economy, this paper firstly combs and summarizes the inland open economy and its main theoretical basis. Secondly, it analyzes the basic ideas, main methods, achievements and experiences of Chongqing's development of inland open economy. Finally, it makes a SWOT analysis of Chongqing's development of inland open economy. That is to say, the advantages of developing inland open economy in Chongqing are Strengths, weak points are Weaknesses, opportunities, opportunities and threats. Based on the ideas of developing inland open economy in Chongqing, the main methods and SWOT analysis, and the successful experience of foreign countries in developing inland open economy, Some enlightenment of Chongqing's development of inland open economy is obtained. Based on this, it is put forward that Chongqing should carry out the strategy of institutional innovation. Strengthening the construction of the service system of overseas investment and enhancing the effectiveness of the government to promote the development of the inland open economy, and other aspects of the development of inland open economy specific countermeasures and suggestions.
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